Old Rambling
Diary Rings
2001-05-29 - Vacation plans!
2001-05-28 - Time is not on my side
2001-05-27 - Fear of failure?
2001-05-26 - All this and cotton candy too.
2001-05-24 - If I ruled the world, I'll tell you the first thing I would do
2001-05-22 - Wouldn't it be nice
2001-05-21 - Who needs time to themselves, anyway?
2001-05-19 - Loooooong weekend
2001-05-17 - Work Adventures!
2001-05-16 - Another migraine
2001-05-15 - Surly girl
2001-05-14 - I love my mom because she puts a fried egg on my plate
2001-05-12 - The lone Barrie diarylander
2001-05-26 - Feeling inept
2001-05-10 - Getting ready to plan something... I think.
2001-05-09 - I hurt myself :(
2001-05-07 - More than this
2001-05-06 - I'm forever blowing bubbles
2001-05-04 - Bubbles and Nakedness
2001-05-03 - Too Hot Today
2001-05-02 - Top Ten most visited pages on my diary
2001-05-01 - Ramblings of the Tuesday night variety
2001-04-30 - Monday randomness
2001-04-29 - Crushlink
2001-04-28 - Volunteer Appreciation Event
2001-04-26 - Gut reaction to scary American bill
2001-04-25 - I like 'em big.
2001-04-26 - My haircut sucks
2001-04-20 - Drunken good news!
2001-04-17 - Long weekend fallout
2001-04-15 - Acme-brand diaryring
2001-04-13 - Good Friday ramblings
2001-04-11 - My wild and crazy Easter weekend plans.
2001-04-10 - I believe it was a Tuesday, very few people know that.
2001-04-09 - Easily annoyed
2001-04-08 - Talking to people is good.
2001-04-06 - The noisy boys are back, better attitude towards work, coffee coffee, buzz buzz buzz
2001-04-05 - No more illusions... sadly.
2001-04-03 - Tree Toaster! Most unexpected.
2001-04-04 - A moment of silence for the dearly departed.
2001-04-1 - Read a Book!
2001-03-30 - When you dream, what do you dream about?
2001-03-28 - Second entry of the night! Woo hoo!
2001-03-28 - Murphy's Law of Hair
2001-04-23 - I pity the fool who doesn't like T
2001-03-27 - Crunchy hair
2001-03-25 - Sometimes the little things are enough
2001-03-24 - Just another Saturday
2001-03-23 - Free advice
2001-03-22 - I'm sick of this week
2001-03-20 - Sometimes this is just the way I look.
2001-03-18 - Thoughts on writing
2001-03-16 - Today I got some good advice.
2001-03-15 - Wallowing
Monday, March 19, 2001 - Well isn't that special?
2001-03-14 - 10 Random and Useless Facts You Don't Know About Me (or maybe you do know... some of you will know)
2001-03-13 - Nagging
2001-03-12 - At least no one's asked me to wear pieces of flair...
2001-03-11 - Weekends go by too quickly.
2001-03-10 - If I could kill people with my thoughts
2001-03-08 - Entry #250
2001-03-07 - Assorted stuff
2001-03-05 - Stay away from this entry if the word "phlegm" makes you squeamish
2001-03-05 - Death warmed over
2001-03-04 - (Hopefully the last) Update from the Hospital
2001-03-02 - Scientists with too much time on their hands
2001-03-01 - Laundry sucks
2001-02-28 - Bad day
2001-02-27 - The tv made me cry.
2001-02-27 - And this is why I don't write more early morning entries
2001-02-25 - Muppets
2001-03-21 - Unloved
2001-02-22 - Diaryland has just become a lot uglier.
2001-02-21 - I'm obsessing again
2001-02-19 - Is that optimism?
2001-02-18 - You lookin' at me?
2001-02-16 - Snippets of life in Heather-land
2001-02-14 - I'm in an excellent mood, and it has nothing to do with Valentine's Day
2001-02-14 - My two cents
2001-02-12 - I wouldn't want to be optimistic, now would I?
2001-02-11 - Image is everything
2001-02-09 - Common Interests
2001-02-08 - Pennies from the government
2001-02-07 - I suppose I deserve it for goofing off at work today.
2001-02-06 - I wonder if I'll ever have enough money to be elevated to eccentric...
2001-02-05 - Am I really this pathetic?
2001-02-04 - Sweet bra-less Sunday
2001-02-03 - It's Saturday and I'm rambly
2001-02-02 - Job related rambings (again)
2001-02-01 - Score one for the little guy
2001-04-16 - Easter Weekend Breakdown
2001-05-08 - Slightly more permanent than I was yesterday
2001-02-24 - Long entry that tries to make up for this week's lack of entries.
2001-04-18 - Frustrating old person (and this isn't even an story relating to my job!)
2001-04-02 - Blah.
2001-02-10 - Blizzardo Diablo and my bored cat
May/June/July 2003
February/March/April 2003
November/December 2002/January 2003
August/September/October 2002
May/June/July 2002
February/March/April 2002
December 2001/January 2002
September/October/November 2001
June/July/August 2001
February/March/April/May 2001
December 2000/January 2001
September/October/November 2000
June/July/August 2000