I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-03-30 - 10:54 p.m.� I've been having some very strange dreams lately. Long, vivid, intricate, and did I mention strange? Last night I dreamed (dreamt?) that I was a spy. While spying on some teenagers who were trying to poison their neighbours, I accidently learned something that I knew would upset my mother. I have no idea what exactly it was that I found out, but I knew that I had to tell her about it. I was scared that she was going to freak out when I told her. I wanted to buy her some Kraft caramels to give to her when I told her whatever it was, because I thought that they would soften the blow. I went to a candy counter in a mall, and I was all set to buy the caramels when the salesperson told me how much they would cost. I started to panic because I couldn't afford to buy them. And then my alarm clock went off and the dream ended. The night before that I dreamt that I was living in some sort of illegal underground community on the run from the government. In the dream, the government was this great, all powerful "Big Brother" sort of thing. Anyone who opposed the government's rules was cast out, lost all their money, possessions, all their rights, and their place in society. I had done something, purely accidentally, to lose my place in society. And I didn't have any shoes. I was scared at first, because I didn't know what to do without money, a job, and a recognized place in society. I wandered around for a while, looking for food or money, and then I met up with a bunch of people who were also outcasts, and they sort of took me under their wing. They took me to a safehouse, fed me, and gave me some things I could sell to get some money for shoes. I went out again, and ended up in a nightclub sort of place where a bunch of these social outcasts were hanging out. I found Sarah and Craig there. They were outcases too, but they had chosen to be that way. Then I learned that a lot of people became outcasts because it was the only way they could have freedom in the strict society. Sarah and Craig let me sleep on the floor of their place. I was really tired, but I was happy now that I had pissed off the government and been kicked out of society. The only problem was that I still didn't have any shoes. I got up early in the morning and went out to find some. It started to snow, but my feet weren't cold. This sort of freaked me out. I knew that my feet should be cold, but they weren't. Suddenly, I saw a pair of slippers hanging from a clothes line in someone's backyard. I snuck into the yard and stole the slippers. I had just put them on my feet when I group of people saw me and started to chase me. They knew I was an outcast, and they called me names and spit at me. I managed to duck into an alleyway and escape from them, and I started to cry. And then I woke up. I don't know where any of this has come from, or what it means. All I know is that this week, being asleep has been much more interesting than being awake.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |