I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-02-24 - 2:53pm� Geez, I really haven't written much this week at all. I haven't had all that much to say. Things in my life are rolling along pretty smoothly right now. Which is good for me, but I suppose it does make for less interesting diary entries. When I'm not feeling disgruntled, I have less desire to rant about stuff. Maybe I'll have to start inventing things to rant about, like Gord of The Tragically Hip does... I scrubbed the inside of the killer whale tank... Ahem. You may have noticed, the graphics are back. Thank you to all who made suggestions, especially Laura, whose suggestion is one I ended up going with. The only problem is that now my graphics take forever to load. I'm hoping that's not going to be a permanent thing. Maybe I should make myself a less graphic intensive layout. It's freezing in here again today. I'm seriously about to put some gloves on while I type. I will be really happy when spring shows up. Didn't that damned groundhog see his shadow this year? Shouldn't spring by here by now? I really hope that winter is just about over. My poor winter boots don't have much more life in them. The fake leather is cracked, so not only do my boots look shabby and sad, they also leak. They leak big time. But of course now it's way too late in the season to find any stores that have any boots left, so I'm stuck with ugly, leaky boots until the snow goes away. Work is still going well. I still love my job, and all my coworkers. And it looks like there is a good possibility that when my contract ends at the end of May, I might get another short contract in a different department there. The guy who runs the first aid & relief department told me that he wants me to design and implement a new filing system for him, and also to fix their database. That one kind of took me aback. I asked what he meant by "fix" and he said, "Oh, you know, make one that is more user friendly. You're such a whiz with the computers." I tried to make him understand that just because know how to use the "find and replace" function in Word Perfect, and can show him how to add page numbers and headers to his documents does not mean that I know how to write code or develop software. I'm not completely sure that I got through to him. Apparently they think of me as a computer genius in that office, and I suppose that compared to them, I am. I think though, that he just wants me to organize a database from software that they already have, which I can probably do. I will, of course, confirm this before I agree to the job. I wouldn't want to accept a job under false pretenses. Well, I think I've written about all I can say today that's worth saying (and them some) so I think I'll go now. I think maybe I'll curl up with a blankie and a mug of hot chocolate and watch a movie. Maybe I'll watch "The Muppet Movie." I'm such a wild woman.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |