I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-02-25 - 8:12pm� I watched The Muppet Movie last night, and it left me with the same warm, happy feeling that it always does. It brings back memories of childhood, of stuffed animalsand my Fisher Price record player; back to the days when my life was sheltered, and charmed, and I didn't know that my father could do any wrong. I remember my dad taking me to see The Muppet Movie at the theatre. It has to be one of my earliest memories-- I would only have been three or four-- but I do have a clear picture of it.I loved it, I loved everything about it. My parents bought me the soundtrack and I played the hell out of it on my little plastic record player. I had a Kermit doll, and a Miss Piggy doll. I thought that Miss Piggy was absolutely beautiful, except for the snout. She had a prettier outfit than any of my other dolls, and I envied her purple eyeshadow and her curly hair. I thought she was the height of coolness. And when we moved into a new house and my parents told me that I could pick out any colour of paint I wanted for my bedroom, I stubbornly insisted on "Miss Piggy Pink", which in my mind was a deep, bright shade of pink, that in retrospect was fairly hideous. I don't know why I connected the colour to her, although I think it was probably the colour of one of her dresses. Anyway, I was convinced that it was a colour that Miss Piggy herself would love, and therefore I must have it. I must have already been familiar with Muppets before the movie. I would have seen Sesame Street and The Muppet Show on TV. But the movie is what really sticks out in my mind. Love of The Muppets was something that my father and I always shared. Even when our relationship was approaching its final breaking point, appreciation of muppets and old cartoons could always be counted on as safe grounds for discussion. Not only safe discussion, but enjoyable. And even now, with all the anger and hard feelings I have towards my dad, I can still think fondly of him when I remember the two of us holding hands coming out the dark theatre and singing "The Rainbow Connection."
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |