I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-05-15 - 10:07 p.m.� Work completely blew today. My coworker/supervisor is on vacation, which means I have to do everything for our department myself. Today this included dealing with all the complaints and nutjobs. Yay. I had volunteers bitching to me about the lateness of their mileage reimbursement cheques. I had a completely nutty client yell at me for a reason that can only be described as sheer lunacy. Wanna know something else that happened today? I learned something today. I learned that old people will lie if they think it will help them get their way. I mean, I sort of knew that already, but for some reason it was really driven home to me today. At least 5 of the old people I talked to at work flat out lied to me today. There were probably more that did too, but I can only say 5 for sure, because I only caught 5 of them in their lies. My point? My point is that a lot of people tend to think that old people are frail, sweet, unassuming, and harmless. While that is true for some old people (just as it is for some young people), it is also true that a good number of them think nothing of lying through their false teeth if they think they can gain something from it. So remember, it is always dangerous to make broad generalities about people, no matter how frail and harmless they appear. I'm feeling rather cynical today. And you know what else I learned today? I want a friggin' vacation. Everyone else at the office gets a vacation, and I want one too, goddamnit. But nooooo, lowly contract girl doesn't get to have a vacation. She just gets an increased workload when other people go on vacation. Sucks to be me. Know what else sucks? Tonight's episode of Angel! What the hell was up with that? I can't believe I actually sat through that crap. I feel cheap and dirty. I hate it when my tv shows suck. I take it way too personally. I know, it's just tv, I shouldn't care... But damnit, the real world sucked today and I was really hoping I'd be able to lose myself in front of the big shiny picture box tonight. At least I have sparkly fingernails. That sort of makes me feel happy... happier? I don't know. Quote for the day? I am a surly Canadian! -- Greg Thomey, This Hour has 22 minutes
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |