I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-03-14 - 9:56 pm� Today I hated my job. I hated it alot. I wanted nothing more than to press the intercom button and announce to everyone, "Screw you guys, I'm going home." And it pisses me off too, because I really don't hate my job. I actually love the job, except for the times when I don't. Like today. But I don't feel like talking about it. I'm almost mellow now. I just watched my shiny new copy of Almost Famous. Good, good movie. Quote of the night: "Of course I'm home. I'm always home. I'm uncool." Yeah, been there, done that. So, seeing as I don't want to talk about why I hated my job today, and seeing as I have nothing much else to say tonight, the topic for today's entry will be: 10 Random and Useless Facts You Don't Know About Me (or maybe you do know... some of you will know) 1) My hair smells really pretty right now. 2) There is a long scar on my right leg. I got it when I was 14. I broke a glass dish. When I was carrying the bag with the glass shards to the garbage disposal I swung the bag past my leg and sliced myself. It didn't hurt. I felt a scratch, but I didn't know anything was wrong until I saw all the blood. My mom took me to the Emergency Room but I refused to get stitches. 3) When I was 4 years old my life's ambition was to own and run a beauty parlor in my mother's basement. 4) When I was 10 year's old my life's ambition was to become a world famous author books for young adults, and teach grade 2 in my spare time. 5) I have Pez dispensors with the heads of The Simpson family beside my keyboard. I'm missing the one with Bart on it though. 6) I am a walking, talking encyclopedia of Hollywood Animation history and trivia. I can tell you anything you want to know about old cartoons. Go ahead, ask me. 7) My favorite piece of clothing is my pair of olive green Gordie Howe sweatpants. I bought them 2 years ago at Zellers. Zellers doesn't sell them anymore, and I don't know any other store that does, which is a real shame because they are the most comfortable pants in all the world. 8) I once placed 3rd in the breast stroke at a swim meet. 9) The thing that I probably miss most about living in Hamilton is the food. Hamilton has great restaraunts-- restaraunts that understand that you can never use too much garlic. 10) Tomorrow is my payday.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |