I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-03-04 - 2:56 pm� Well, the latest report from the hospital is that my mom should be discharged tomorrow morning. Things got delayed because she had a reaction to one of the medicines they were giving her. But anyway, I just got back from the hospital again, and she honestly does seem to be just about ready to go home. As long as she doesn't have any more really bad asthma attacks, and her blood pressure stays down, they'll let her out. Which is good. I can hardly imagine how annoyed she is at being there. The smell alone is enough to turn my stomach. As soon as you walk past the nurses station you're hit with the smells of antiseptic and old lady farts. It's driving my mom nuts, which is understandable; I can barely take it for the few hours at a time I'm there. And because we don't have any insurance outside of the basic government OHIP, she is not in a private room. She is in a ward room, with three beds. The other three people are all elderly, and at least one of them is more than a little senile. She plays with her light switch all the time. Bed light on, reading light on, reading light off, bed light off, repeat. It's sad, and you don't want to get angry with her because you know she can't help it, but good lord, it's annoying. And it's got to be even more annoying at night when you're trying to sleep. Then there is the lady in the bed next to my mom. She is harmless enough, but her husband, who is there all the live long day, is another story. He is the Grumpy Old Man. He never shuts up, and he is always complaining. Today it was about how nurses get paid too much for the easy(!?) job they do. Hello? I certainly wouldn't want the job. I don't think you can get paid too much to wipe old ladies' butts and change bedpans, and do all the other gross things they have to do. And yesterday he was mocking the male nurses. Not to their faces, but as soon as they'd leave, he'd start. In my day, we didn't have these men nurses!We woulda called them sissies. Nursin' is women's work, I teels ya! Grrrrrrr. I myself am doing okay. I rested a lot this weekend, which is something I really needed to do. Yesterday my own asthma was acting up, and I think I have a little bit of a cold as well. I'm feeling a lot better today, although my throat is dry from coughing and ventolin. And I'm still just kind of tired... my whole body is just tired. It's been stressful, you know? I haven't been too worried about my mom because she's getting the treatment that she needs, but at the same time, of course I'm fucking worried! My mom's in the hospital. And I can't say that it's been easy to be strong. I've had to deal with family members that I can't stand. I've had to put on the brave face for everyone. And I continued to go to work through it all too. Also, I've had to resume the role of the big sister again, which I haven't had to do for a while. My brother is 18 now, and we rarely interact as big sister/little brother anymore. We're just friends now. But he's needed me for some comfort and reassurance this week. Plus, he's got a hell of a head cold at the moment, and he's needed to be taken care of a little. I've been happy to do it, but I could use a little care myself. Everything will just be better when mom gets out of the hospital. The Juno awards are on tonight. I think I'll probably watch it. Not that I give two shits for the awards themselves, but Rick Mercer is hosting, and he's one of my favorite people. I guess I should find a blank video... if I'm watching the Junos, I'll have to tape the first ep of The Lone Gunmen. And I'm out of things to say.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |