I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-02-16 - 8:18 pm� Things are still warm and fuzzy in Heather-land. I'm still loving my job. I'm still smiling like a big goober most of the time. This means that I really don't have much to say... nothing to whine about, nothing to rant about. Did anyone else notice that Anne of Green Gables played a lesbian on ER last night? I found that quite amusing. And a little distracting. I get distracted sometimes when I see an actor that I know very well from one role playing a very different role on another TV show. I stopped into the used bookstore on my lunch hour today. I got some great finds-- a couple of books I've been hoping to find for a while now: Fall on Your Knees by Anne Marie McDonald and Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace. Both of books have come highly recommended to me, so I have high hopes for them. I love the used bookstore. I love used bookstores in general, but Kerry's Used Books is possibly my favorite used bookstore. I can almost always find something to buy in there. It's run (and I'm assuming owned) by two of the most socially awkward men I've ever seen in my life. They seem vaguely intimidated by everyone that comes into the store, even me, and I am not intimidating at all. They get very flustered if I ask them if they have a specific title in stock. And they apologize for having to charge tax every time I buy anything. I find that somewhat endearing. I have plans for this weekend! Social plans, even! This is very exciting for me. I am going to Toronto to visit Sarah (I'm looking forward to seeing you too!) and Craig. And I am going to spend Saturday afternoon with one of my friends from University that I hardly ever get to see. And I am going to the Moxy Fruvous concert that I'm sure a handful of other diarylanders will be attending too. I am surprisingly not all that excited about it. I'm sure it will be a good show, and that I'll be excited about it when I'm there, but right now it's just not a big deal to me. I think I'm just really, really looking forward to seeing my friends, and that is overshadowing the thought of the concert. Well now I am officially out of things to say. I think I'll go try to paint funky designs on my fingernails now. If you are going to be at the concert tomorrow night, and you want to find me and say hi, I'll be the one with the funky fingernails. Just so you know.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |