I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-03-05 - 9:09 pm� Okay, so my day got better. Not totally better, there was bad with good, but at least there was good. They let mom out of the hospital today! The crud in her chest finally started to dislodge (I know, the imagery...). And the doctors decided that being in the hospital was probably stressing her out more than it was helping. So they let her come home. This is a fabulous wonderful all round good thing. My mom is happy (and already seems healthier). My brother's worries and stress have all but disappeared, and mine are starting to dissipate too. And the cat is immensely happy to have all her people around again. On the down side of my day... I still feel sick. I am convinced that I don't have a cold, but just asthma problems of my own. A ton of my clients have been cancelling their services because of asthma problems, and I know for a fact that the hospital in town is filled with asthmatics. So I think that a combination of stress and environmental crap is what's causing the phlegm and the coughing, etc. Let me tell you, the phlegm and the coughing sure made for a fun day at work! The weather was horrible, so I had to cancel the hot meal delivery program for today. This meant that I had to call the volunteer couriers, the dispatchers, and phone in cancellation announcements to the media. Oh yeah, and call all the clients scheduled to recieve a meal today. Thankfully, the receptionist called about half of my clients for me, so I only had to make oh, about 40 phone calls in a 2 hour period. Did I mention that I had to shout my end of most of these phone calls? Yeah, see, all the clients are elderly, and a good number of them are half deaf. Or more than half deaf in some cases. "Hi, this is Heather... HEATHER. I'm calling about your meal tonight.... YOUR FOOD DELIVERY... Yeah, MEAL DELIVERY... Oh, I'm sorry you didn't like the Shepherd's Pie on Friday... SORRY. I DON'T COOK THE MEALS... No...ANYWAY, we're cancelling the delivery tonight because of the weather...THE WEATHER... YEAH... no, you won't still have to pay for it..." And so on. Repeatedly. By 3:00 my throat was raw, I couldn't open my mouth without coughing, and everyone was looking at me like I had the plague. I croaked to anyone in hearing distance "It's just asthma... I think. I'm not contagious." I'm not sure they believed me. But in any case, I got to go home early. Of course, seeing as I didn't take a lunch because the coughing and the phlegm sort of kept me from hunger, and the bad weather kept me from wanting to wander downtown, and the meal cancellations kept me occupied... where was I going with this? Oh yes, I didn't take a lunch so really, I only left a half an hour early. And they aren't going to dock my pay for it. I think they felt sorry for me. As much as I normally hate pity, it was welcome today. And now, at late, late hour of 9:30 pm, I think I am going to bed. That is so sad, but I am so frickin' tired right now, that I can't think of anything I want to do more than sleep. In the immortal words of Ralph Wiggum, "Yay sleep! That's where I'm a viking."
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |