Old Rambling
Diary Rings
2002-10-31 - Lame Hallowe'en
2002-10-31 - Early morning rumblings
2002-10-28 - Friends and Pumpkins
Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 - My Diaryland Trading Card
2002-10-25 - "Mandatory Job Perk" is an oxymoron, you fuckers.
2002-10-22 - Pardon my giddiness, but I just bought Hip tickets
2002-10-22 - Mild success in pottery class!
2002-10-18 - Just another not so fun fact about my job
2002-10-16 - Surreal Conversation
2002-10-14 - Dusk 'til Dawn
2002-10-09 - Tomato juice, nerdish leanings, and more candle holders than you can shake a stick at!
2002-10-05 - I know it will pass, and knowing is half the battle.
2002-10-04 - I am Canadian
2002-10-02 - "Unfair" doesn't quite cut it.
2002-10-01 - Gimpy and nauseous
2002-10-01 - Heather's 3rd pottery class, in which she makes more ugly things
2002-09-29 - Christmas in September
2002-09-27 - Maybe that's what the cabinets are filled with
2002-09-24 - Slightly drunken ramblings for a Tuesday night
2002-09-23 - Observations on my weekend habits
2002-09-18 - Adventures with Swiss Chalet delivery service
2002-09-17 - No, I will not be making any ashtrays.
2002-09-15 - Just another weekend spent on my couch
2002-09-12 - Yoga is hard.
2002-09-11 - A year later
2002-09-09 - Local weirdness.
2002-09-08 - I'm starting to bore myself.
2002-09-05 - Heather the Helper Monkey
2002-09-04 - If the world were fair, I'd have the fucking corner office and the huge salary.
2002-09-03 - Random comments and compliments
2002-09-02 - Given the alternative, I'm glad I've got to go to work tomorrow
2002-09-02 - The long weekend of relaxation
2002-08-28 - Happy thoughts!
2002-08-27 - International Day of the Crazy Old Folks
2002-08-26 - Excitement, thy name is Heather
2002-08-22 - What is tis world coming to?
2002-08-21 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me
2002-08-20 - Is it time for another vacation yet?
2002-08-19 - Not so brief rundown of my vacation
2002-08-19 - But I don't wanna end my vacation!
2002-08-14 - Vacation has improved
2002-08-13 - Great weekend, lukewarm vacation
2002-08-09 - I'm on vacation! Hurrah!
2002-08-07 - Comfy pants, Human beatboxes, and the power of discount glitter.
2002-08-06 - 3 days until my vacation
2002-08-05 - Long weekend rundown
2002-08-01 - Stressed, broke, hot, and pissy.
May/June/July 2003
February/March/April 2003
November/December 2002/January 2003
August/September/October 2002
May/June/July 2002
February/March/April 2002
December 2001/January 2002
September/October/November 2001
June/July/August 2001
February/March/April/May 2001
December 2000/January 2001
September/October/November 2000
June/July/August 2000