I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-03-22 - 10:55 p.m.� I'm so sick of this week. I just want it to be over and done with. It hasn't even been a bad week for any reason that I can pinpoint. I'm just feeling cranky this week and I'm laying the blame on the week itself, because I have nothing else to blame it on. Um, thanks to everyone who responded to yesterday's entry. I appreciate it, and I feel loved. I just wish some of you lived in the same city as me. Anyone want to move to Barrie? Sure, we have still have mounds of snow in March, and our public transit system sucks, and there aren't a whole lot of jobs, and there is rarely anything to do here, but, but, I'm here! Isn't that reason enough to want to live here? Most of the time I am genuinely okay with myself. I accept myself, I love myself. I honestly feel that "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" But sometimes it all just crumbles. And the days when it crumbles are really, really bad days. Because not only do I feel like I'm alone, unlovable, and all around horrible, I feel like I'm a hypocrite. I feel like I've been lying to myself about feeling okay about myself. But everybody has those moments. Even the most secure, together people I know have cracks in their self esteem on occasion. So don't worry about me. In another day or two I'll be fine. Just wait until this week is over. ******* Totally unrelated, but I still feel the need to make note of it today: Cartoon pioneer William Hanna dead at 90 Another one of the great ones is gone. For anyone who doesn't know this about me, I love old cartoons. The cartoons made for theatrical audiences from the 1920s to about 1960 are the best cartoons ever. Tom and Jerry cartoons were some of the first Hollywood cartoons that I fell in love with. I remember watching "The Tom and Jerry show" every afternoon on the little black and white tv upstairs (the big tv didn't pull in the station that aired it). Back then I didn't admire the cartoons for their animation, or for their ability to tell their story with no dialogue. I loved the cartoons simply because they were funny. It was fun to watch a cat and mouse torture each other. Yay for cartoon violence! I was weaned on it, and I turned out okay (Just keep me away from the anvils and no one gets hurt). So I'm always a little sad to see the death of another person who made these cartoons I loved. I think I'm going to go watch "Cat Concerto" and then go to bed. Goodnight.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |