I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-05-17 - 9:14 p.m.� Today was interesting. The morning consisted of the parade of complaints and nutjobs on the phone that I have come to expect in my supervisor's absence. And they were in rare form today, let me tell you! I had one woman tell me about how her brother had screwed her out of some money and property. His whole problem, you see, is that he is a big drunk. He drinks, you see, and he drunk away her money and lost their family home. That was the point that she kept trying to drive home to me, that you know, he drinks too much. Then she started yelling, honestly yelling at me, "How would you like it if that happened to you, eh? How the hell would you like that, eh?" Um... I don't know, lady. I'm thinking I wouldn't like it? What any of that had to do with her Meals on Wheels (supposedly the reason she called), I'll never know. Moving on, my afternoon was extremely quiet. Almost eerily so. I think I only had 4 calls until about 4:15. Of course, at 4:15 (15 minutes before I'm supposed to be done work) the shit hit the fan. I got a call from the dispatcher at the Meal delivery office, telling me that we are short two volunteers to deliver meals. Panic time! I had him try to find a couple of people to fill in at the last minute while I phoned all the people on the meal route that the absent volunteers were supposed to deliver to, and told them that their meal would be a little late. Called back the dispatcher, he couldn't find any volunteers who would do it. Double panic time! When something like this usually happens my supervisor will go out and deliver the meals. This is not something that I can do, seeing as I do not have a car or a driver's license. So I was quite rightly freaking, thinking that a dozen old people were not going to get to eat that night. Thankfully, one of our receptionists heard all my phone calls and panicking offered to deliver meals with me if I couldn't find anyone else. I thanked her profusely, and off we went. It was actually kind of fun. We had almost no clue what we were doing, we got lost twice, we almost gave one meal to the someone who wasn't on the list, and I have a feeling I will have some complaint calls tomorrow. But in the end, everyone got their meal, and that is the important part. And the receptionist and I had some good laughs over the whole thing. All in all though, I am really glad that tomorrow is the last day of this damned week! I am really, really in need of my long weekend. Thank god for Queen Victoria, bringer of the May two-four weekend!
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |