I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-02-10 - 10:49 pm� We are in the midst of a snowstorm. Yay. There just wasn't enough snow around already. I hate winter. I tried to go out earlier this evening. There was nothing for dinner in the house, and I didn't have any money to call someone and have dinner come to me, so I had to go to the plaza for money and/or food. I didn't even get to the end of the building's parking lot before I had an asthma attack from the wind. Thankfully, my brother didn't have too much of a breathing problem so he went out instead, so we got to eat. Always a good thing. On the downside, my asthma is still bad. I've been puffing away on the inhaler, but I'm still wheezy and my chest hurts. And don't have enough air in my lungs right now to sing along to my cds. While this seems to please my brother, I am not happy about it. ***** I think my cat is bored. She was chewing on the newspaper (which she should know that she is not allowed to do), and jumping on things that she is not supposed to. And then she looks at me and meows when I don't notice right away that she is being bad. I've been throwing crumpled up balls of paper at her for the last 20 minutes to amuse her. I throw the ball, she jumps for it, chases it for a few minutes, loses it, then prances over and looks at me expectantly until I throw another one for her. So now there are crumpled up balls of paper all around the apartment. Great. I'd get mad at her, but she so just so damned cute. Cats are neat.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |