I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-04-26 - 9:05 p.m.� I know, I just posted something. But I just opened my web browser up to Yahoo! and saw this headline-- House passes bill to make harming a fetus a crime Whoa there! Can I just say that I am glad that Canada has not passed such a bill? Because man, the ramifications of that bill are scary. It seems that so far that this bill is not meant to make abortion a crime. At least that is what the bill's supporters are trying to say. I'd be interested in knowing the actual words used in this bill; what constitutes "harm" and what does not. Semanics can be tricky business. I agree with the intent of the bill. If someone kills/assaults/injures a woman and in turn kills/injuries the woman's (wanted) unborn child, punishment is certainly warranted. I can certainly agree with the punishment of anyone who would cause the abortion of a fetus without the consent of the mother. But the obvious problem with this bill is that it could very easily give way to a decision that any harm done to a fetus is to be prosecuted. Thereby making abortion illegal. I don't think abortion should be illegal. My feelings on the abortion issue are muddled. I don't think I could ever go through with an abortion. But I don't know. I haven't been in the situation. And I have seen enough children whose parents do not want them, and make their lives hell, to feel that if a child is not wanted, it should not be brought into the world. And overwhelmingly, I believe that you have the right to choose what is right for you, your body, your mind, your situation. What is right for me is likely not right for everyone else in the world. So I think the bill is scary because of the precedent it is setting, and the possibility that it could take away that right to make your own choices. Did I mention that once again, I find reason to be happy to be Canadian? Not that our government is above something like this... but at least so far they have not tried this. I am probably not expressing my thoughts very clearly. I'm rambling. And I probably need to read more on the situation before I can be really qualified to have an opinion on this new bill. Call this entry "gut reaction."
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