I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-06-28 - 9:15 p.m.� Today marks the one year anniversary of my online diary. It doesn't feel like it has already been a year. I was looking back on some of my older entries today, and I was marvelling at the fact that nothing much has changed in my life since I first started. I'm still struggling to find my place in the world. I still feel like I'm in limbo. But at the same time, I can look back and recognize that yes, some significant things have happened since I started the diary. When I started here, I was unemployed and broke, with no real job prospects and no idea what I wanted to do. Now I am employed, albeit in a contract position, in a job that I really enjoy. Other the past year I have had enough experience to know what kinds of jobs and workplaces I do not want to work in, and also why it is that I like this job. I have found that I need to work in a job where I feel needed, and that I am making a difference. I learned that this year, and I like that I can look back through my diary entries and see how I learned it. That is not the only thing I like about this diary. I've met some interesting people here, made some friends. It has been very comforting for me to find that other people understand some of the things that I write about here. Other people can identify with some of harder things that I've gone through and felt. It's nice to hear from someone who has read something here and has gone through the same thing. It's good to know that people care. Having this diary has allowed me to work through some feelings and ideas that I otherwise would not have really had a place in which to explore them. While sometimes I know that I am doing nothing more than letting thoughts spill from my brain into boring ramblings, it is always cathartic. I've also been able to process through some memories and muddled feelings about the past here. I don't think I've actually solved anything, sometimes just getting thoughts about the past out into the air helps me to work through them. And hey, diaryland is cheaper than therapy. This diary has also been a great forum for me to rant about things that piss me off. I don't have much opportunity in the real world to rant about lousy bus service, animation, body image/media issues, and all the other things, often trivial, that annoy me about the world around me. The Woman's World and MIRACLE WEIGHT LOSS! rant. I think above all, I like having this diary because it gives me a place to express myself where I know I will not be interrupted. I can say whatever I want to say here. No one is going to cut me off, or change the subject. My opportunity to say what I want to say isn't going to disapear because the conversation sailed right past me before I got a chance to open my mouth. Or because the time just isn't right. Or because I worry that no one is going to care. Often in real life I feel like I can't say what I need to. In here, I can say anything, any time. I am grateful for that. So, thank you diaryland (thank you Andrew for creating and running it). Happy Anniversary...
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |