I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-01-26 - 9:40 pm� I really don't understand people that let money become the determining factor in their career choice. Money cannot be the only reason to pick a career. It just can't be. Let me explain myself a little. I had a conversation with one of my coworkers today. Apparently some of them are interested in getting to know me after all. Go figure. Anyway, I got talking about previous jobs I've had, and then I mentioned that I had a University degree in English. The response? "What are you doing working in an office? Why didn't you become a teacher?" I've had this conversation before. I gave my standard, well prepared answer: "Around the end of my third year of school, I sort of panicked, and realised that I wasn't sure if I really wanted to become a teacher. I decided that I shouldn't go into teaching if I wasn't sure it was what I wanted to do with my life, because if I am miserable teaching, I won't be the only one affected by it. I've had enough teachers in my life who didn't really want to be teaching, and it made my school life miserable too. If a teacher is miserable in her/his job, the students suffer for it." This is the truth. This makes sense to me. But... so many times when I give this answer to somebody else, they respond with, "Yeah, but teachers make so much money!" So what? What does that change? Nothing. Money alone is not going to make me happy to be a teacher if I don't like the job. And before anyone calls me a hypocrite, yeah, right now I am working at a job that I don't really like. And I'd quit, see, but it's just that I need the money. But working at this job because I need the money is different from deciding to become a teacher because the pay is good. I am working at a job that I know is temporary, and expendable. This job ends, another one like it will come along. And believe me, any job is easier to get through if you know it's just temporary. Besides, taking a job because you need money to pay the rent is different than taking a job because you want money to put that new addition onto your house. It just is. Sure, I'd like to make more money. I am not one of those people who thinks that they don't need a whole lot of money to be happy. I've struggled to get by with little money for so long (I still am, although I've been in much worse spots in my life) that I know that I need money. I want to be able to do more than just "get by." I want to be comfortably well off. In all honesty, I want to be filthy stinking rich. But I think I might like to be happy too. Is that so wrong? I don't know if I'm making any sense. I think I'm overly sensitive about the whole money issue right now, seeing as the only thing that any of the people I'm working with seem to want to talk about is how much money they've just spent/have to spend/what they've spent their money on. Typical line overheard during break time conversation: "We don't get to go on a vacation this year-- we had to choose between a vacation or renovating the house, and the house won out." Yeah, cry me a river. I don't even know what it's like to have enough money that I could even contemplate such a choice. Ahem. In other, but still somewhat related news, in about 2 weeks, right after I finish with the current awful job, I will be starting up a 3 month contract in the office I worked in from August to December. Yay for me! I get to do a job I like, in an office I like, and a nice chunk of money for doing it. Maybe, just maybe, things are going my way at the moment.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |