I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-01-28 - 2:49 pm� My little household is all a buzz with the latest happenings in the family. My grandmother (who, for those of you reading this diary in December, is right back to her old self, which albeit is worlds better than her sick self, but is still not particularly desirable) informed my mom that one of my cousins is going to be moving in with her for a couple of months. We've had a number of reactions to this news. I think my mom's first reaction was anger-- "Hmph. Your grandmother never thought about having you live with her. Your cousin has a good job and way more money than you do. She doesn't need any help. But your grandmother never wants to help anyone who actually needs it." I'll admit, when I first heard about it I felt a stab of resentment too. My cousin, let's call her Kelly, to protect her anonymity, is certainly not hurting financially. She could easily afford somewhere to live. On the other hand, when I first moved up here and needed somewhere to stay, was I invited to live there? Certainly not. . She wasn't even particularly pleased with letting me store my furniture and stuff there. She knew that mom just had a tiny two bedroom apartment, that was already a little too close for comfort with just her and my brother living there. It's getting on two years that I've been here now, and right now I am doing it by my own choice; I know mom can't afford the rent anymore now that my father stopped paying child support, and I want to help her out. No one else is going to help her out, that's for damn sure. Anyway, yes, my initial feeling was resentment and anger. But then I remembered that I would not want to live with my grandmother. She'd drive me insane. She would not let me have a moment of peace. She would be constantly on my back about where I was going, what I was watching on tv, why I was going on my computer again. And then the accusations would likely start. You didn't clean out the bathtub after you used it. You were eating in the living room, weren't you? Don't lie to me! I can be pretty certain that things would go that way. When my mom first left my dad, we lived at my grandmother's for 3 months of torturous hell fire. She was miserable and mean to us all, my mother included. So my next reaction to Kelly's decision to move in there was heh heh, Kelly has no idea what she's in for. My mom and I had a little laugh about it. We can be a little mean ourselves, you see. Bitterness does that to people sometimes. That did kind of give way to feeling a little sorry for Kelly though. She really doesn't know what she's in for. She's never lived close enough to my grandmother to be sucked into things. She doesn't really know what my grandmother is going to expect from her. Gram is already talking about how she is going to cook a nice dinner for Kelly every night, and how Kelly had better appreciate it, and won't it be nice for her to have Kelly there to keep her company? It's going to be interesting to see how it all plays out, that's for sure. If there is one good thing that can be said about my dysfunctional family is that it sure is interesting to watch. I always liked my cousin alright. We were close when we were younger, but we've sort of drifted apart as we've aged. It might be nice to have her in town though. Maybe I'll attempt to be social with her.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |