I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-11-06 - 6:52 p.m.� Work was interesting today. I spent most of the day catching up on all the crap that piled up while I was doing my month end work. It was boring but busy at the smae time. On a more interesting note, I learned that the big boss man honestly had no idea what I do at month end (and probably very little about what I do on a day to day basis outside of answering the phones). I was photocopying the last of my reports to send to accounting, and he came in. I cringed inwardly, but I plastered my professional smile anyway. Then he took a peak at the stack of papers I had in the loader tray, and asked "What's that?" I told him it was my month end report. He asked what that consisted of. I explained what it was, and after a few more questions I clued into the fact that everything I was telling him was news to him. So then I explained the work that went into the reports. He goes, in a tone of surprise, "Wow! That's a lot of work." Uh, yeah. I have to agree with you there, you saucy big Dilbert-esque pointy haired boss. I discussed this with my coworker/direct supervisor afterwards, and we came to the comclusion that I shouldn't have been too surprised by his ignorance. All we ever hear from him is "The Big Picture." He has no idea about all the tiny little brushstrokes that go into that big picture. That seems more than a little foolish to me. And on top of that, I find it a little insulting that the until we had this little chat, the big boss likely thought that all I do all day is answer the phone and pick my nose. Or something like that. Basically, he didn't know that I did any really skilled work at all. No wonder most of the scheduling clerks in the other area keep harping to him about the fact that they are not easily replacable. They probably realized that he believes/believed that he could replace the whole lot of us with small children or possibly really smart chimps. Next interesting thing: right before I left work today, I went to talk with my supervisor (who does basically know that I am not expendable) about the fact that my contract is up in less than two months. She told me that they will not be letting me go, and she is really hoping that she'll get the go ahead to make my job permanent. This would be a good thing. I'm not holding my breath though. I'll believe it when it happens. Here's the catch though-- if the job is opened up as a permanent position, she will have to post it, and I will have to re-apply. This frightens me a little, because I am paranoid. While rationally, I can't see how I wouldn't get the job, there is a little voice in the back of my head telling me that things could go horribly wrong. I hope things don't go horribly wrong. I don't want to start of 2002 by going back to the world of temping. Not that being a temp was a horrible thing, but I like my job. I like my coworkers, I like my volunteers, I like the location, the salary, and I rarely ever dread going into work. I would like to stay in this job, and I'd love it to be a permanent position. That would mean benefits and paid vacation and sick days. It would also mean stability. I could really go for that. So, we shall see. I'm supposed to know by Friday what the next step will be. In other news, my grandmother called my mom today, to tell her that she didn't like my attitude. As a sidenote, she also proclaimed not to like my mother's attitude either, in that mom did nothing about my supposed attitude problem. Sigh. The woman can't remember what she ate for breakfest. And before my attitude problem kicked in on Friday night, she told me at least a dozen times in the span of a half hour that she bought 5... or was it 7... tubs of Halloween Ice Cream at Zehr's the day before, and boy did that cashier look at her funny when he saw all that ice cream! She can't remember that she told me that story a dozen times, but she does remember that I have a bad attitude, and was "mean" to her. She doesn't remember her part in why I was upset with her though. Oh no. I try to remember that she is senile. This is beyond her control now. I see this everyday at work, but it's different when it's personal. I know that when dementia strikes, they revert back to their personality and memories from years before. She thinks of me as about 13 years old, and when I was 13, we lived with her for three months. We had many a fight about my supposed attitude then too so it makes sense that this is what she would associate with me now. But honestly to god, would it kill her to think of me as, hell, let's say a 19 year old, when she decided that I was a wonderful mature and responsible girl?
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |