I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-12-16 - 10:48 p.m.� Nearly a week since my last entry. How very unlike me. I haven't been on my computer much this week though. Again, how very unlike me. The past week was pretty decent. I finished off my Christmas shopping, and my Christmas preset wrapping. I bought some new boots, because hey! Winter decided to arrive. I unpacked and organized more stuff. I watched some tv, rented Nurse Betty, invented a tasty recipe for lemon chicken. The biggest events of the week would have to be the Christmas parties. I went to two work related Christmas parties this week. The first was a staff luncheon. We went to a fruffy overpriced restaurant, where we all paid for our own food (non-profit organizations don't spring for moral boosting free holiday lunches), did a somewhat cheesy secret Santa thing, and I ended up sitting between the saucy big bossman and some woman from a satellite office who I don't really like. Yet somehow, it was all fairly enjoyable. Go figure. The second party was for our volunteers. I helped arrange and host it, so of course, before the party came a week of stressing about the party. When party time actually arrived though, it was lovely. We had a good turnout, everyone had a great time, and we had enough food. And, it started to snow about halfway through the party. It was very festive. I feel very popular at volunteer functions. All the volunteers clamour to talk to myself and the other staff members. It's sweet and flattering. Except there are always a couple of old men whose attentions kind of creep me out. Generally though, I like talking to my volunteers and their spouses. I spent a good 15 minutes or so catching up with my grade 8 teacher, who is married to one of my volunteer drivers. Sarah, Mrs. Clerk says "hello." So, yeah. That's basically my week in review. I should get back to updating regularly again this week. That's the plan, at least.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |