I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

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2002-09-23 - 6:54 a.m.�
Observations on my weekend habits

Monday morning, not even 7:00 am, and here I am in diaryland. I felt I should write something, seeing as I haven't put up a new entry in ages. 4 days between entries! That is an eternity. I'd say it was because I was really busy this weekend, but that's sort of a lie. I went shopping and swimming on Friday evening, went to the drive-in on Saturday, and spent Sunday at home in my pajamas.

My weekends have recently become all pretty much the same. I occaisionally do something a little social on Saturday, and then I spend Sunday watching videos or dvds and reading a book. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, I'm just making an observation.

Another little observation I've made recently is that I'm reading books a lot faster these days. When I was in school I read extremely slowly. I poured over every word, every sentence, every paragraph. As odd as it sounds, it was a time management thing. As an English major I always had a lot of books to read, and it was necessary for me to know the books really well. That meant that I either had to read each book more than once, or make that first reading really count. It was not unusual for me to spend a week or more on one book. Moby Dick took me more than a month, but then I hated that book with a fiery passion and could only read it in small doses.

Now though, I'm in the habit of reading an entire book on a Sunday. I guess it's not that strange. I'm told that other people do it all the time. It's a little strange for me though. I guess it's probably a combination of me reading faster, and also me reading books that maybe aren't as deep as the ones I read in school.

Tonight is my second pottery class! Yay! I'm quite excited about this. I plan to make a candle holder. Or, if I go on the pottery wheel, attempt to make a vase but probably end up with a bowl. I'm not sure if I want to use the wheel or not. It looks like it would be looks of fun, but it also looks really difficult. And I'm sort of scared that I'll really suck.

I know I'm taking the class so I can learn how to do new things, but I want them to be things that at which I will be instantly marvelous. I know that's asking alot, but I just can't help it.

Oh joy, it looks like it's time to start getting ready for work. Unless maybe I won Saturday's Lotto 649 jackpot...

Sigh. I looks like it's time to start getting ready for work. Special.

yesterday tomorrow

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