I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-09-10 - 10:15 p.m.� I had an excellent weekend. It was wonderful to get away. I did a buttload of shopping, watched movies, went out to a fabulous Chinese restaurant, and just generally had a really good time. I think it was exactly what I needed-- a little escape from my house and my normal boring life. I realized this weekend that I've been a tad stressed out lately. I hadn't really noticed it until I got away. Work isn't the cause of my stress at the moment (although I am quite pissed that it appears that I still am not going to be made permanent when the next contract rolls around). No, I've been stressed in my home life. Why? My mom is stressed, and in turn, my brother and I are feeling it. Last week there were more slammed doors, raised voices, and wounded feelings than we've experienced in this apartment for months. Mom is upset with stuff at work, and also stuff with my grandmother, and cracks were definitely appearing last week. When my mother gets wound up too tightly, it shows itself in increased paranoia and obsessive compulsive behavior. When she starts getting all obsessive, my brother and I get frustrated and annoyed and eventually start to yell ("Heather, remember to close you window before you go to bed. I think it's going to rain" "For Christ sake, you've told me that twenty times today. I think I get the bloody picture!" And so on. Repeat ad nauseum.). It gets especially difficult and stressful when the teensy-ness of your apartment makes it impossible to get away from the stress. I gather though, that in my absence this weekend, mom talked a lot of this out with my brother. Things have been a lot calmer and friendlier since I got back. Which is nice, because I would have hated to see the calming effects of my weekend away shot to pieces so soon. ***** On a better note, a really nice thing happened at work on Friday. One of the clients in my transportation program sent a dozen red roses in a crystal vase to me and the other two ladies in my immediate department. It was a thank you for all the help we've given him. He said he wanted us to know that someone out there appreciates us. When I called him to thank him for the flowers, I told him that we were just doing our job, and that he really didn't need to do anything that extravagant. It's true too, we've never done any more or less for him that we have for any of our other clients (although that may change now-- I can be bought, and my price is surprisingly reasonable). It is really nice to feel appreciated though. It's almost enough to make all the crap I get from some of the other clients worthwhile. ***** One final note-- Marla is back on diaryland! So now that everyone has finished reading my entry, everyone should go and find out what is new and exciting in Marla-land.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |