I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2002-05-14 - 7:19 p.m.� Work was poopy today. Oh yes, I am so mature. But seriously, that is the best word I can use to describe it. I didn't have a shitty day-- "shitty" is too harsh a word. I didn't have a crappy day-- "crappy" is too bitter sounding. Nope, it was a poopy day. Nothing terribly wrong, just annoying in a childish sort of way. I had to do a big ass data entry project, and quite frankly, I didn't want to do it. And making it even harder to concentrate on was the fact that there was some serious bickering coming from the cubicles on the other side of mine. My supervisor/co-worker kept trying not to laugh, and above all, not get dragged into it. Both of the bickering parties kept making a point to come over to our side for frequent, friendly chats, as if each was out to prove how nice she was and how whatever we were hearing was the other woman's fault. That was annoying. I don't want to get involved with their nonesense. I just want to listen to it as an uninvolved outsider. And then I had to do switchboard at the receptionist's lunch break. I hate covering switchboard. If the phone is ringing, chances are the person on the other end is going to bitch you out for something. For some reason many of our callers tend to air their greivances loudly and angrily to the first voice they hear. It's worse since the auto attendant (aka "That goddamned recording") is the first thing they hear when they phone in. And to that the fact that many of our clients are going senile, and do not really know exactly want they want, and the fun never stops! Sample reception conversation: "I just want to talk to the person who sets things up." "What things? Transportation? Meals? Home Care?" "No! The person who tells the girls to come to my house and give me a bath." "That would be Home Care. Do you know who your supervisor is?" "I told you, the one in charge of it!" "We have several different supervisors based on geographical area. Whereabouts do you live, ma'am?" "I live here!" Meanwhile, 3 other lines are ringing with other similar people waiting to have similar conversations with you. Switchboard reception isn't even fun when the phones are quiet. Then it's just boring, especially since the big boss man officially decreed that no one is allowed to read books, magazines or do crossword puzzles at reception, no matter how quiet the phone is. And the computers in our office do not have solitaire or hearts or even minesweeper, so that wasn't an option. No, I spent the better part of my hour at reception doodling. And because I spent an hour there, I didn't get to finish all my data entry work. So yes, work was poopy today.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Sheryl Crow, Weather Channel |