I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-27 - 9:09pm� I've been thinking too much today. I've been thinking about the year 2000 is more or less over, and I've done absolutely nothing. I've been thinking that I'm still stuck in my rut, and I've been wondering if I'll ever get out. I feel like I'm in the exact same place as I was last year at this time. Let's compare, shall we? December 1999: - Finished a 6 month job contract midway through the month. No followup job prospects on the horizon. Madly applying for any jobs that seemed like something I could do. - Living out of boxes in my mother's small apartment. Wishing I had a permanent job so that I could safely move out. December 2000: - Finished a 4 month job contract midway through the month. Some vague future job possibilities looming, nothing certain. Hope that the temp agency keeps finding me steady work. Still applying madly to permanent jobs. - Still living out of boxes in my mother's tiny apartment. Nothing has changed! What have I accomplished? Nothing. I am still not working permanently. I'm with the temp agency now, that's something at least. At least I won't eat up all my savings and go broke. I hope. I'm still living with my mom. Most of my belongings are still in storage, and the things that aren't are basically just cluttering up the tiny apartment. I've given up on moving out on my own, at least for now, but I'm still hoping to move into a bigger place. Mom and I have been trying to find a bigger place to rent since September now, and we haven't had any luck. I feel like I'm stuck here. Those aren't the only things that are bothering me. There is so little that I've done this year. I've barely made any new friends, I haven't come anywhere on writing anything, I haven't really gone too far with my craft stuff either. It's been a year and a half since I moved up here to get on my feet, and I still feel like I just got here. I'm in limbo, I'm still waiting for everything to begin. I wish I knew what the hell I could do to change things. I have this horrible feeling that I'll still be here in December 2001, sitting on a lawn chair, typing on my computer in my mother's tiny, cluttered apartment, still waiting for everything to start falling into place.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |