I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-07-22 - 10:10 a.m.� I haven't updated in a few days because I haven't felt like I've had too much to say. It's true, my life has been boring lately. That usually doesn't stop me from writing about it though. I got new glasses yesterday. I should have got them on Thursday, when I went for my eye exam, but silly Lenscrafters one hour guarantee was not in effect that day because they were too backed up. I don't think I've ever actually got glasses there in the advertised one hour. I'd take my business elsewhere, but honestly, where could I take it? There isn't anywhere else that I know of where I can get thin lenses for under $200, and get them done in that little time. Everywhere else in town takes at least 5 business days. So Lenscrafters get to act like a bunch of fuckers and lie about how long their service will take, because they know they are still the best game in town. Ahem. I really do like my new glasses. They are wire rimmed in sort of a pewter colour, and are slightly smaller than my last pair. They are much more comfortable than my last pair. For one thing, the arms in these ones don't dig into my face. Also, my old pair was 7 or 8 years old, and were scratched up terribly and one of the ear pieces was made entirely of scotch tape. These ones are a vast improvement. Another thing I did yesterday was submit an application to rent a house. My brother and I went to check out in the morning. The house itself is perfect. There are four bedrooms, two of which are very large. The house is clean and there is lots of space. Privacy! I'me going to finally get some privacy! And the price is absolutely incredible. It's only $50 more a month than we are paying for the tiny two bedroom shitbox of an apartment. And while we do have to figure in utility costs on top of that, it is still well within our price range. Well within our range. Meaning, if we get this place, both my mom and I should have even more money leftover each month than we had planned on. My dvd obsession won't need to be reined in simply because I'm going to be a reponsible bill paying adult. Sweet. This is all wonderful. The only downside is that this house is just 4 doors down from one we had previously rejected because it was situated in a neighbourhood filled with screaming barefoot children, and mothers wearing too-tight t-shirts waving cigarettes and shouting "get back in this house you little bastard" to their three and four year old children. We decided that was a fair enough trade off for everything else. We are not going to find anything in our price range that is perfect. We're too poor to find a nice, big place in a quiet neighbourhood. We're willing to sacrifice quiet neighbourhood for big, nice house. Besides, our current neighbourhood isn't particularly quiet and lovely either. We hear motorcycles revving up obnoxiously at all hours of the day and night, and drunken college students stumbling home in the wee hours of the morning. So I think I can live with these neighbours. Besides, when I was in high school we lived in a loud rowdy townhouse complex. I was known to stand on my porch and scream at the children to stop using our side wall to for their games of "wall ball" or to stop playing in our garbage (yes, the little darlings actually used to play in our garbage, especially if we had any boxes out). After about 2 months of living there, they learned to run when they saw me coming. Hey you little brats, get off my damn lawn! Put that garbage down right now, unless you want your mother to know you've been playing in garbage. I know where you live! I can be white trash-y too, when the situation arises. Anyway, we should know by Wednesday whether or not we've been accepted. I don't want to get my hopes up too high though. There were at least 4 other people submitting applications when we were there.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |