I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-08-26 - 10:12 p.m.� I can't believe that my vacation is over. It was gone too fast, the taste fleeting. I didn't get much accomplished. I had big plans but I really didn't follow through on too many of them. What I did do: 1) Sent off a bunch of inventory to the craft store in Hamilton. It's always a good thing when the store calls and begs for new goodies-- it means there should be a decent sized commission cheque in my future. 2) Slept in late. Not as late as I would have liked to though. 3) Spent time with my friends, my family and my cat. I had a really good time with Marla this week. I'm so glad that our vacations coincided. And I should mention that I have it on good authority that she will be writing in her diary again come September, which is good news for all. 4) Got a haircut. It's really short. I've never had my hair this short before. I do like the cut, but it is going to take some getting used to. I haven't quite figured out how to style it yet, but it does look kind of cute regardless. 5) Finally got a new printer! That's really what kept me from accomplishing a lot of my plans. I spent a whole lot of time designing and printing covers for my bootleg cds. What I didn't do: 1) Write a story from start to finish. I got about halfway through a story, but that's about all I can claim. I do feel pretty good about what I did get written. Hopefully I'll finish it one of these days. 2) Register my resume with job search sites. And I really wish I had too, because my brother told me that he heard stirrings of job news on Friday. Nothing too bad-- they do want to keep me, but it looks like I'll get offered another contract and not a permanent job. If this is the case, I will sign the contract, but I will let them know that contract after contract does not exactly fit into my long term career goals. As much as I like this organization, if they can't even offer me some job security and a friggin' paid vacation, I think I need to look into my career options elsewhere. I'll probably talk about this some more once I've actually got back to work and talked to my supervisors. 3) Read a book. And I had such good intentions on this one, too. I was all set to read High Fidelity. 4) Change my diary layout. Maybe next weekend. I'm thinking I'll go with something very simple. Hopefully that will stop the mysterious netscape problems that no one seems to be able to figure out. 5) Update my personal website. It's been ages since I've touched it. Not only do I need to change and add to some of the content, the layout is in desperate need of a change. Now that I actually know a little about webpage design, I'm disgusted with the way my pages looks. I guess that about covers it. I guess I did get quite a bit done, even if it wasn't all that I meant to do. Still, I can't believe I have to go back to work in the morning. How come work weeks never go this quickly? It hardly seems fair, I tells ya.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |