I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-11-14 - 10:13 p.m.� Just two more nights to pack. (Three more, if you count tonight, but it's too late, and I'm too tired to count tonight.) It's crunch time now. We're starting to pack the more essential stuff now. All but three outfits worth of my clothes have been packed. We're down to 5 plates and about ten cups. It's looking pretty sparse around here, except for all the boxes. The dvds are packed, the Buffy videos are gone. My printer and photo scanner are packed. The tv from my bedroom is in a box. And, drum roll please, I packed away all of my cds. Well no, not all of my cds. I left out about a dozen, just so that I don't go insane before we move. I have a lot of cds. It's true. And the brother has a lot of cds, more even than myself. Mom has a fair number of cds, and a lot of tapes. And, between mom and the boy, there is a boxful of records. So, yes, we've filled a lot of boxes filled with music over the last few weeks. And everyone who has helped us, or even just come in and surveyed the boxes stacked everywhere, has commented on the number of cds we own. "Think you've got enough cds, there?" I think we should get one of those cheesy family crests made up. And I think out family motto should be "Yes, we like music. You got a freakin' problem with that?" Yeah. So, in other news, the management of this building just canned the superintendents. The did it yesterday. My personal thought on why this went down is that the building managers were looking for a fall guy to blame for the fire code violations and the discovery of all the weed. Of course, the building managers are the guilty party for the fire code violations, but it would be very easy for them to say that it was the fault of the supers for not informing them of the problems. And it would be so like them too. The owners of this building are such jackasses. I feel bad for one half of the superintendent couple. The wife worked her ass off, and has a baby who she cares for pretty much exclusively. I know she tried her best, and she doesn't deserve to be terminated so abruptly (and she certainly doesn't deserve to be evicted so abruptly, which was a side effect of the termination). The other half of the pair certainly deserves to be out on his ass. He is one lazy bastard. He does nothing, and he annoys the crap out of me. He drinks too much, he talks too much about the lord and the impending apocolypse, and as I mentioned, he is a lazy, lazy man. Unfortunately though, the saucy big bastard did more than enough to justify getting both himself and his wife fired, and getting their family turfed out on the street. Have I mentioned that I'm glad to be leaving this dump?
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |