I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2002-08-07 - 9:16 p.m.�
Comfy pants, Human beatboxes, and the power of discount glitter.

2 more work days until my vacation!

I'm loving the weather we've had over the past couple of days. It feels more like late September/early October in Southern Ontario, not early August. It's fabulous. I get to wear all my comfy clothes. I'm wearing my flannel pj bottoms now. They're quite possibly the world's most comfortable pants(not unlike "The World's Most Comfortable Chair" for all you Tick fans... except for the fact that they are pants and not furniture...).

My brother convinced me to watch "30 Seconds to Fame" with him tonight. What an odd show. It's like The Gong Show, except I don't remember such an abundance of Human Beatboxes on The Gong Show.

I was very disappointed by the fact that only the most generic of acts made it to the final round. Singers, Flamenco Dancers, Hula Dancers, and a Magician. Sure, they were all talented to some degree, but not one of them was unique. Half of the acts that I liked got elimated before their 30 seconds were up. Like there was this really cool guy who played a clarinet and a saxophone at the same time, so that it sounded remarkably like bagpipes. That is an odd and, I'm guessing, unique talent. And he got booed off! And who went to the final round? A human beatbox guy, a guy with a fairly generic "soul" voice who sang "Let's Get It On" and couple of flamenco dancers who had absolutely no chemistry together.

Poopy. Yet despite it's poopy outcome, it was entertaining, in that lowest common denominator sort of way. Thank you, Fox TV Network!

I went out for lunch today with a coworker that I don't really like. She likes me, and asks me what I'm doing for lunch at least once a week, in hopes we can go out together. I usually try to avoid her, but today she cornered me and I couldn't think of any good excuses not to have lunch with her. Dang.

I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like this woman. Well, maybe I can. I get the feeling that she wants to be pals with me because I'm a fairly neutral person in the office. Pretty much everyone likes me, I get along well with everyone. On the other hand, this woman doesn't play very well with others, but likes to make out like it's everyone's fault but hers that she has so many conflicts. I get the feeling that she wants to have me on her side, so she can have an ally. It makes me uncomfortable.

Besides that, she's one of those hypocritical holier than thou Christians, who makes out like she's saintly, when really, she gossips, lies, and backstabs in a far more vicious way than most of the not so religious people I know.

Ahem. That was a long sentence. But it needed to be said. That's probably the real reason I don't like her.

Despite all this, I did have a decent time at lunch with her today. We went to the Regal Warehouse store, where I bought an "easy to install" shelf for my wall, a little chopper thingy for chopping fresh herbs. We also stopped at a drugstore with a cosmetics sale, where I bought a couple tubes of body glitter and some fabulous hideously ugly green nail polish, all for just $3.29!

Moral of that long and boring story? Heather can be won over with discount glitter and nail polish.

Okay, I think I'm out of things to say for tonight. I may not have much of an opportunity to write in here before Sunday or Monday, so I thought I'd better get in as much of my crazy ramblings as I could while I had the chance.

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03

Hello again - 2006-05-03

Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15

Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23

Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26

Currently listening to: Sarah Slean mp3s (right now it's "Bank Accounts"




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