I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2003-12-14 - 2:35 p.m.� Hi. Its been, what, 2 weeks since I've written anything here? That seems unbelievable. Did anyone notice that it's been that long? Because I really didn't. I guess my excuse will be that I have been freakin' busy since December rolled around. Most of my evenings were spent madly making fimo things to sell at my craft show on the 11th. My craft show went smashingly well, by the way. I made lots of money and even got a couple of hefty special orders for the new year. Go me! What else is new... I would probably have lots to share if my brain was working properly, and not still trying to recover from the copious amount of Cinnamon Whiskey (and Sambouca and rum) that I consumed last night. I went to a party at my friend's house last night, which ended up being more fun than I thought it was going to be. I only knew the person who was hosting it and one of her friends, and the friend that I dragged along with me. This usually spells disaster for me because I am not a mingler. I don't especially like meeting new people. Meeting new individuals is okay, but meeting people en masse is not a lot of fun for me. I tend to get lost in the shuffle. But it ended up being fun because we ended up spending most of the time talking with a really fun girl, whom I had met once before. After we left, the friend that I dragged with me (I really need to come up with psuedonyms) came back to my place and the two of us and my brother played her Harry Potter trivia board game. We've decided that the best way to do it is to turn it into a drinking game. Every wrong answer means a shot of cinnamon whiskey. I was getting some really hard questions, and therefore got liquored up really quickly. But it was lots of fun. This morning I decided to force some Christmas spirit onto myself and decorate my apartment. I'm about halfway done, but even if I can't summon up anymore Christmas spirit the place still looks spiffy. I think this afternoon I will start wrapping presents while I watch my shiny new Buffy and Firefly dvds. Go me!
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Soul Christmas (Gotta love any song called "Back Door Santa") |