I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2003-11-30 - 8:01 p.m.� Guh. That is the sound I make when I am tired, a little hungover, and really full from too much junk food. I had a pretty good weekend, albeit not at all the weekend I had planned. I was going supposed to go with a friend on a little road trip to go shopping at Ikea and outlet stores and then go to a couple movies. Thanks to lots and lots of snow and the facts that the snow plow didn't come down my friend's street until after 11, and it took my friend over an hour to shovel out her car after that, we did not go. Instead she came over to my place with some movies and booze and we had a mellow sleepover thing. We watched "A Mighty Wind" and "28 Days Later" both of which I enjoyed quite a lot. I was fairly surprised in the later. I thought it would be way more over the top with the horror and gore than it was. Yes, it was quite gory, but not overly. And the whole plot and approach to the telling of the plot reminded me a whole lot of a John Wyndham book. Which I'm sure was partly because the beginning of the film was straight out of "The Day of the Triffids" but it was more than that. In any case, good times. We also played a couple rounds of my friend's Harry Potter trivia board game with my brother. We turned it into a drinking game. Anytime you got a question wrong, instead of grabbing a curse card you had to do a shot of Sambouca or Fireball Whiskey. Though the three of us have large geeky reserves of Harry Potter knowlege, we all got quite drunk quite fast. It was quite entertaining. So Nanowrimo is officially ending today, and I do not have 50000 words. I'm slightly disappointed that I couldn't win, but at the same time I do not regret my decision to pretty much stop writing last week. The writing was stressing me out, and I was feeling stressed and pissy and not good as it was, so I really didn't need any self imposed stress. Besides, I wrote 40693 this month. I still think that's something to be really proud of. And I do think the novel isn't total crap. I know it likely needs a buttload of work, but I don't think it was a big waste of my creative energies. I just need to make myself finish it before I start picking it to shreds. Hey! I just have 3 more weeks until my week off for Christmas! Suddenly I feel good.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: nothing... what's up with that? |