I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-10 - 2:30pm� I spent 6 hours at my grandmother's yesterday. It went okay, although her mental and emotional states are not great. I heard myself using the voice I used at work when I was talking to the more difficult or confused elderly clients. Friendly, but very firm. I felt kind of bad for doing this... it's strange to have to tell this woman, who for my whole life has been forceful and bossy, what to do. She is still trying to be forceful and bossy, but it's sort of half hearted. I think she needs for someone to just take charge for her. It was not a fun visit, but all in all I've had far worse visits with her. She wasn't mean at least, which was a pleasant change. But she told me the same stories repeatedly. And she kept trying to think of reasons why I couldn't leave. She told me that she wasn't letting me walk home alone in the dark. I told her that she didn't get to make that decision, that I'm an adult, and that it's dark when I get home from work almost every night anyway. She also kept suggesting that the two of us go Christmas shopping together. I said that sounded fine. When she was feeling better we would go up to the mall on the bus. She didn't like that idea and said that she would tell one of my aunts, who I really don't like for various reasons, to take us to the mall. I said that I didn't think we'd need to bother (I'll give her a suitable pseudonym for the sake of anonymity) Aunt Bitch Goddess. My grandmother just would not drop it though, until I finally had to say, "Look, I don't want to go shopping with Aunt Bitch Goddess, okay?" My grandmother doesn't understand why I wouldn't like Aunt Bitch Goddess, when she feels that Aunt Bitch Goddess is "so good to her." Good, my ass! None of my other relatives showed up while I was there, not Aunt Bitch Goddess, not any of them. At the time was a relief, but now really pisses me off. My grandmother got home on Friday. One of my uncles met her at the airport, drove her home and then left without staying long enough to even take off his boots. Apparently Aunt Bitch Goddess "popped by" that evening to drop off some new perscriptions for her. Then, after my mother got off work at 11:00 pm, she went over and spent the night, and all day Saturday until she had to go back to work at 3:00. I stayed with my grandmother for a good chunk of the afternoon and evening, and then my mom went back again straight for work. She is still at my grandmother's. In the time my mom was there, one of my other uncles showed up with some groceries but left shortly after. My grandmother has 6 children. 3 of them live in close by. My mom, the uncle who brought her from the airport, and the one who showed up with the groceries. Both my uncles, and their wives and grown children, have weekends off but who was the one to spend all her free time taking care of my grandmother this weekend? My mother, who worked Friday night and Saturday night. I did my part too, as did my brother, who walked my mom to my grandmother's at 11:00pm and then stayed a couple hours playing dominoes with the woman while my mom did her laundry. Interestly enough, one of my out of town uncles did a lot for her too-- phoning her at least half a dozen times during the few hours that my mother was not with her. Did the local aunts and uncles even think to do that much? Nope. And its not like any of them has small children to worry about. None of them have a child under 13, for christsakes! What did they have to do that was so fucking important that they couldn't spend a few hours with my grandmother this weekend? My mom is calling one of my uncles today and telling him that someone from his household has to spend the evening with my grandmother because she shouldn't be left alone. Mom is getting away for at least a few hours. She needs to for her sanity, and also, she is going to see The Arrogant Worms concert with me tonight. It's practically unheard of for my mom to go out anywhere, and she is going out not matter what. One day I'm going to have to go into some detail here about why I have feel resentment and anger and comtempt towards the vast majority of my extended family. If you don't already know me and haven't heard the stories.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |