I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-08 - 8:49 pm� Well, my last day came and went with little fanfare. Lots of good wishes, a few hugs, a few threats that if I don't show up and the Christmas party next Friday they'll hunt me down and drag me there... Other than that it was a pretty normal day there for me. I did pretty much the same things there that I'd done since I started. I said goodbye to my two favorite volunteers, the ones that I worked with and talked to the most, but that was it. I decided that I couldn't possibly say goodbye to all of them. For one thing, there are a few dozen volunteers that I was regularly in contact with there and there was no way I could call all of them. And second, two goodbyes that I did say were emotional enough. The one woman, who did know I was leaving and who wants to keep in touch with me, cried by the time I got off the phone. The other volunteer, a lovable 88 year old man, got all choked up and so did I. After I said those obligitory goodbyes, I just said "talk you later" or "see you at the Christmas party" to the rest. My temp agency called me at the office three times today to discuss new assignments. I accepted the first one they offered. It's just for 2 days next week, and it's not glamourous or exciting, but it fits my schedule so I'm happy enough. And it's within walking distance of my apartment which is another nice bonus. And what is this job? Well, on Wednesday and Thursday of next week I will be folding things and stuffing them into envelopes for $8.75 an hour. That's significantly less than I have been making the last 4 months, but it's a pretty darn high wage for folding things and stuffing them into envelopes. They offered me another assignment that would have lasted 4 weeks and started immediately after the folding and stuffing assignment but I turned it down because it conflicted with my Tragically Hip Hamilton vacation. They didn't mind. I told them I'm open to short contracts for the rest of December and then after that I'm open to anything again, long or short. As long as it isn't a really long monotonous job like folding and stuffing or data entry. I didn't say that last part out loud though, just in case I'm desperate for work in January and have to settle. *********** My grandmother has just arrived home. My mom is spending the weekend with her. The last time she talked to my grandmother on the phone she was really confused. She cried alot, and kept mentioning my dead grandfather as though he was presently alive, and she kept asking my mother the same questions over and over. The repeated questions part isn't really new, but my mom said it was really amplified. By the sounds of things, we are all going to be spending alot of time at my grandmother's in the near future, and possibly the not so near future too. I'm going over tomorrow to see my grandmother and also offer my mom a bit of a break and some guilt and confusion free, sane conversation. I really hope that none of my aunts or uncles are over there when I'm there. I swear, if any one of them gives my mom, my grandmother, or me any shit of any kind, it's not going to be pretty. In addition to the years of built up anger and resentment I feel towards them, I'm also pissed off with just about all of them right now in regards to the way they are dealing (or not dealing) with my grandmother's situation. I'm not going to start anything with any of them-- I plan to start off in fake pleasantries mode-- but I'm packing my angry eyes just in case they decide to start something with me. I'm just soooo optimistic when it comes to my extended family. ********** I'm listening to "Strawberry Fields Forever" and feeling sad. Always, no sometimes, think it's me, but you know I know when it's a dream. I think I know I mean a 'Yes' but it's all wrong, that is I think I disagree. I've been listening to Beatles and John Lennon music for most of the evening, which seems appropriate, given the date. I just have to wonder though, would John still be cool if he were alive today? Because the other Beatles are sort of washed up these days. If John had lived would he have decided to cash in with the rest of them on the whole Beatles Anthologies? Would he still be writing music that is significant or would he have lost touch with what's cool and be writing music that only has a home on easy listening adult contemporary radio? ********** One last thing before I go-- I must say that I am very stressed about what's happening to Dr. Green on ER. I'm seriously stressed! It's enough to make me want to start checking out ER spoiler pages.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |