I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-06 - 9:42pm� I got an award at work today. Yay for me! Around 9:30 the receptionist called everyone up to the front for an announcement. I reluctantly tore myself away from what I was doing and went to see what it was all about. My supervisor pushed her way up to the front and announced that she was the one who called everyone up there and that the reason she had done so was to officially remind everyone that I would be done there on Friday, and to thank me for all my hard work over the past 4 months. So everyone turns to look at me. I am, of course, blushing beet red because I'm not particularly fond of being the centre of attention. Then, after everyone has clapped for me (totally embarassing), and I've mumbled "thank you" a few times because I have no idea what else to say, my supervisor announces that one of my temp agency representatives has come into the office to present me with something. The rep comes forward and tells everyone that I am being given an award for recognition of consistant quality excellence for my work on my temp assignments. Now whenever they tell employers about me, they will tell them that I was awarded this for getting consistantly outstanding evaluations. It was very nice to get this award, but also very weird. Being centred out for things always freaks me out, especially when it's a surprise. I wish they had let me know it was coming. If I knew everyone was going to be looking at me I would have tried to do something about my hat hair and I wouldn't have worn my old chenille sweater with the bald spots. My little award of excellence (or "Award for outstanding achievement in the field of excellence" as my brother calls it, because everything in life can be related to The Simpsons)is pretty nifty. It's a sterling silver pendant and chain with the little symbol of my temp agency on it. I like it when recognition for a job well done is made from sterling silver and comes in a little blue box from Tiffanys. I'm thinking that once this assignment is done I might take the rest of December off. I think I can afford it... I should be getting some hefty sales cheques from the craft store soon, most of my Christmas shopping is done, and I've actually managed to save a little bit of cash. It would be nice to be able to sit on my couch and veg all day for a little while. I bought a TV guide today in anticipation. I think I might go see The Arrogant Worms this weekend. I have nothing else to do and they are playing within walking distance of my apartment. Besides, it's so rare that any musical act that I actually enjoy ever comes to town. You know, it's really hard to get a diary entry written when you are chatting with three separate people over ICQ as you are trying to write.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |