I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-12-05 - 9:29pm� The weather is looking pretty nasty out again. We had snow squalls and white outs on and off today, and right now they seem to be on again. Spiffy. I'm not even entertaining the hope of a snow day tomorrow. I don't particularly want a snow day tomorrow; I only have 3 days left at this job assignment and I'd like to be able to go to work for all 3 of them. There is a lot of stuff going on in my family life right now. My grandmother, who is down in Florida at the moment, was in the hospital this weekend. The official diagnosis seems to be that she had severe food poisoning that left her dehydrated and strained her already weak heart muscles. She is doing alright now; she's out of the hospital and she is allowed to fly back here on Friday as long as her condition doesn't change. Here's the worst part: It's another one of her worst fears coming true. (Before this, it was my grandmother's biggest fear that my grandfather would die while the two of them were in Florida, far away from the rest of the family. That fear came true a year and a half ago.) She was afraid to go back down to Florida this winter because she was afraid that she would get sick when she was all alone down there. She didn't want to go down at all this year because she's been feeling tired and ill on and off for the past 6 months or so. She had finally decided that she would just go down to Florida and sell her place, but then one of my uncles convinced her to stay until Christmas to really make up her mind whether or not she wanted to sell the place. He basically told her that she wasn't capable of making the decision to sell her place, that her decision had been wrong. He and my aunt completely bullied her into going back down there so that they could get a break from her. Assholes. Yes, my grandmother is a handfull. She is emotionally draining. She can be a very mean woman, she can be a very manipulative woman. Guilt trips are her specialty, and she has gotten even worse since my grandfather died. My little family unit has in the past enjoyed the breaks that we get when she goes to Florida too. This year was different though. She really, really didn't want to go, to the point of crying when she thought about it. We would have been insensitive shits to still look forward to shuffling her off when she felt so strongly about not going. Unfortunately there are far more insensitive shits in my extended family than those who actually care about someone other than themselves. It's a good thing my mom, brother and I are not going to the big family dinner this Christmas. There is just no way in hell that I can be in the same room with all these people right now. They will all go and pretend that everything is fine, that they certainly had no part in making my grandmother do something she didn't want to do. They've already started it-- one of the most flagrant insensitive shits told my mom yesterday that he "just didn't know why" my grandmother would go to Florida this year. Watching this farce on Christmas would be even more unbearable than just listening to them all brag about all the fabulous things they've done this past year like they usually do... nothing I like better than pretending to be interested in all the details of my cousin's newest leather coat, or all the trivial problems my aunts and uncles encountered on their latest exotic trips. It may suck to be poor, but I think I'd rather be poor and down to earth than be a rich and insensitive shit. Right now I just really want my grandmother to be back here, safe and sound. And I really, really want to give some of my family members a piece of my mind. I would too, only I don't think it would do my grandmother any good if I started another family fued. She doesn't like it when the things that go unsaid in our family are suddenly forced into the light. I will respect that, as much as I don't want to.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |