I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

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2000-11-25 - 8:27 pm�
Tales from the craft shows

I did my second and final craft show of the season today, and it went very well. This of course, made me happy especially considering that the show I did last week completely sucked. But I did almost well enough today to make up for last week.

I made my brother come along with me to the craft shows. Well, I didn't exactly make him... I offered him a token fee to keep me company and help carry stuff, and he agreed to sit through the shows with me. He had kind of a hard time keeping the "craft show smile" intact. He's not used to smiling through people's stupid comments or rejection. I think he took it more personally than I did when people looked at my work and were not impressed.

It's not that I don't mind it when people are not impressed with my work. It bugs the hell out of me. I work hard on my little crafty things, and I want people to notice. But... I've been doing craft shows for a long time now. It's been 8 years since I did my first one. In that time I've managed to perfect my craft show smile and my friendly craft show voice (my friendly craft show voice is remarkably similar to my friendly telephone voice at work). I can look and sound friendly even when I don't really mean it.

Sometimes I wish I looked a little less friendly though. Like there was this one strange guy hanging around my table near the end of the show who kept picking things up and telling me stories of what he would use each item for if he had them. He was completely convinced that my salt and pepper shakers were cigarette holders. He told me that I shouldn't be selling them in pairs, because people wouldn't need more than one fancy cigarette holder. I tried to explain that they were actually salt and pepper shakers, and he finally relented enough to compromise that they could be used as both salt and pepper shakers or cigarette holders.

I don't have a point to that story, it was just an interesting moment in my day that I felt like sharing. Just about every craft show I go to has at least one memorable thing about it. Last week the memorable thing was the craft vendors beside my table. They were selling somewhat tacky gift baskets with an odd assortment of personal grooming products and religious themed items inside. Plastic combs, cosmetic jars, a little wooden cross, a plastic canvas bookmark for your bible... things like that. They called their goods "Crafts for Christ." My brother commented to me afterwards that he thought Christ would be disappointed in the caliber of the crafts which bore his name. And comments like that are just one of the reasons why I like having my brother around.

yesterday tomorrow

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