I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-11-15 - 10:17 pm�
Slightly better attitude today

I'm still sort of in a sad, my-life-sucks-the-big-one kind of mood today, although I think I'm starting to come around. Work was hideously boring again. I don't know which task I enjoyed less-- stuffing and adressing envelopes, or simple little chart I worked on for an hour in an attempt to look busy.

It doesn't really matter though. My supervisor and I had two discussions that made me almost cheerful today. The first one was that she wanted to let me know that as much as they would like to keep extending my contract, they have to let me go as of Dec 8th. Let me just say, "Yippee!" I swear, she could not have thought of a better time to tell me that I get to move on to other things soon. I am sooo ready to get out of there. I tried not to look too pleased about it-- I will miss the people there, and hey, I don't want to give the impression that I'm dying to leave because if an actual job ever came up there I wouldn't want them to think that I wouldn't be interested. I would be interested in working there permanently if there was a permanent job for me there.

But right now I'm so relieved. Only 3 and a half more weeks there!

Just watch, by my last week there I'll be all sentimental and sad about leaving. Not today though, today it's all good.

The other discussion my supervisor and I had involves me getting off work tomorrow and not even having to fake being sick. I asked my supervisor what she had for me to do tomorrrow, and she made a face and said she didn't have much for me to do, and asked sort of casually if I'd like a day off. I jumped at it. "Uh, actually, now that you mention it, I think I might be coming down with something. I could probably use a day off to rest."

Bull. I could use a day off to go to Modern Japan for a super jumbo lunch special. I could use a day off to get the last of my stuff ready for craft shows. I could use a day off to lounge in front of the TV wearing my Gordie Howe sweatpants (the most comfortable pants on the planet)... well I guess that last one does involve resting, so it's not a total lie.

In any case, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to work tomorrow, baby!

So that has helped to snap me out of my life sucks rut for the moment. Also, I keep getting all sorts of reminders that my friends care about me and think I'm special and fun, and tell me they want to do stuff with me. It's hard to be really mopey when you get all sorts of email from friends as well as snail mail letters out of the blue from a friend you haven't heard from in ages.

yesterday tomorrow

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