I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

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2000-10-02 - 10:16 pm�
assorted mini musings

I have nothing much to say today. That's a lie. There are actually quite a few things I could talk about, but I'm not really in a mood to really explore them. So here is a mini report of the things in my life and on my mind today.

* Today is my mom's 50th birthday. We went out for dinner and then came home and ate cheesecake. It was all good. My mother really doesn't seem like she is fifty. She doesn't look 50, and she doesn't act like it either. She's cool. Except for the fact that everytime she did anything remotely goofy today, she'd tell me to leave her alone because she was an eccentric old lady now. Hard to believe she's an old lady when she is singing and dancing along to her REM cds as she is doing now... eccentric yes, old no.

* I'm being such a baby about my sore ankle. I mean, it is really sore and swollen and bruised, but it's nothing serious. I've done enough serious damage to it to know that this is nothing serious. But this morning I was almost in tears because I just wanted to stay home and put my ankle up. I'm glad I made myself go to work. I would have been mad at myself if I had stayed home.

* I was back doing my old job at work today. You remember, the job where seniors call me all day to schedule rides to doctor's appointments and stuff? And they were crusty today! At least 5 of them yelled at me for things that weren't my fault. Sigh. I can't win. It's doing that job and getting yelled at by old people, or doing the mindless busywork and wishing that I was back doing something fulfilling. I think the job will end altogether sometime next week though, and I think I'm glad about it. I'm ready for a change. Here's hoping whatever assignment I get next is decent. Not that this one isn't decent... I'm just feeling whiny today.

* I'm intrigued by all the proceedings around Pierre Trudeau's death. There is no other figure in Canadian history, recent or ancient, that would ever recieve this sort of pomp and circumstance. It's like he's royalty. And there is good reason for it, I know. If there was a figure like Pierre Trudeau involved in national politics today, perhaps I wouldn't feel such dread when I think about the state of the nation. Trudeau stood for rights and freedoms, for national unity, for arts and culture, for Canada's youth. And these ideals meant something coming from him. They weren't just party lines. Today in the wake of the all the ultra-conservative-right-wing-shit politicians gaining prominence in Canada, the apathy of the party in power seems like the best we can hope for. And that just sucks.

*Finally, I've had "Duncan" by Sarah Slean going through my head today. And it's kind of annoying because I don't know very many of the words.

"Oh you fools, you fools. Don't give into fate.

If this is all we've got to fight for, Rage, my darling, rage"

yesterday tomorrow

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