I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

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2000-10-01 - 6:38 pm�
My ankles are plotting against me.

I had a topic all thought out for today, but now that I�m here, the idea has gone bye-bye. Typical.

It�s a gorgeous day here again. I wore sandals today when I went out to get my new bus pass, which was a good thing, because my other shoes gave me major blisters on the weekend. On the downside, the sandals did show off the pretty new purple bruise on my ankle. No biggie�I just twisted it a little. It doesn�t really even hurt all that much. I did it when my ankle went out on me and I tripped for no good reason walking back to Sarah and Craig�s yesterday after breakfast.

I do that sometimes. My ankles are my natural enemy. I have no control over them sometimes. I think they are plotting my demise.

I don�t think I�ve ever written here about my unfortunate ankle experiences. Maybe that should be the topic of the day.

I�ve repeatedly twisted and occasionally sprained my ankles since childhood. I think the first time it happened was when I was in grade one. We were playing floor hockey and I tripped over my own stick. Stop laughing.

When I was in high school I did some major damage to my ankle. It was a choir related injury. Really, I should have known there would be serious chances of injury when I joined a high-risk school activity like choir.

Long story short: I was sitting on the floor during a school assembly, I stood up, I fell back down again.

I learned a valuable lesson that I would like to pass on to the rest of the world: don�t stand up when your foot is asleep. It can only lead to badness.

The world started swimming in front of my eyes, and sound rang in my head like I was underwater. A teacher helped me over to a chair where I claimed I was fine. I limped back up to sing the next song with the choir. After the assembly I limped through the rest of my classes. One of my friends, thankfully, offered me a ride home. My mom took one look at the goose egg on my ankle, yelled at me and took me straight to the hospital.

I seriously damaged the tendons and ligaments in my ankle and foot, ended up in a cast for 2 months and then had 3 months of physiotherapy. Fun.

The physio did help things with my ankle for quite a while. It wasn�t until about 5 years later when I was in my second year of University that I did anything serious to it again. This time it happened while I was walking to a bus stop. My ankle went out on me for no good reason and I went flying. The half a dozen or so people standing at the bus stop ignored me. That was okay with me. Why? Because the primary thought in my head is "Don�t make a scene. Get the hell back up." Well okay, my primary thought was probably "Ow, that really hurts!" But it was overpowered by "Just get back up, and don�t make a scene."

Yes, I�m a tool, but when I hurt myself I tend to want to just get home. Once I�m home I�ll figure out what to do about the injury. I don�t know why I do this, but I do.

So yeah, I somehow pick my self up off the pavement, take the bus home, and walk the agonizing walk from the bus stop to my house. This walk normally took me five minutes or so. It took a good 20, 25 minutes on a broken ankle. The ER intern who decided that my ankle was quite broken didn�t believe that I�d gotten up on it unassisted, much less that I had walked on it.

That time was fun. The cast was on for 10 weeks that time, and it was one of those insanely heavy plaster casts as opposed to the sleek fibreglass one I got the first time.

Since then I�ve had a number of non-descript ankle sprains and twists, nothing too serious. I guess the most interesting of the minor injuries was the time a couple years ago when I tripped on a Pepsi bottle on the steps of the bus, and ended up falling out of the bus. That was cute. People did stop and help me that time, even though I really didn�t want them to.

Okay, I think I�ve pretty much exhausted that topic. Not much more to say today. Except for a couple personal message type things. I could just email these messages to people, but this just seems like less work. And I�m always up for less work.

To Marla: I do that exact same thing. I will not make the effort to keep in touch with someone if I feel it is their "turn." And then I always feel so petty for keeping track like that, but my insecurities win over and I tell myself "S/He just doesn�t care about me, get over it and move on."

To Katie: You will really have to tell me about that dream you had with me and my brother in it. I�m deeply curious.

To Luella: I think I�m going to start living vicariously through you now, okay? Your life just sounds way more exciting than mine.

yesterday tomorrow

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