I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-31 - 10:28pm� Well damn, it is stifling in here. I don't think it has been this hot all summer. I feel like I'm melting. I'm melting... Sigh. But hey! Teletoon showed my all time favorite episode of The Tick tonight, "Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love". Which brings us to my quote of the day: Yes, I'm aware that quote is random and odd. But that's okay. I'm feeling sort of random and odd today. It's too damn hot for me to be able to think clearly tonight. Did I mention already that it's hot? Yeah, well, the thought that is first and foremost in my brain right now is "It's too hot today." I listened to two new cds today. I bought one last night, Wild Strawberries' "Twist." It's a good album. There are a couple of tracks that I'm not fond of, but on the whole I enjoyed it quite a bit. The other new album I listened to today has not yet been released into stores, but I heard a promo copy in mp3 form. Yeah, that's right. I have contacts. Or at least, I have contacts who have contacts... Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning it, is that I was more than a little disappointed in the album. And it was an album that I was really looking forward to, which made it even more disappointing. I put way too much energy and emotion into silly things like bands I like. So the album isn't great... it shouldn't actually make me sad. Know what makes me happy though? Tomorrow is Friday. The Friday before a long weekend. After tomorrow I don't have to talk to crusty old people for 3 whole days. It's not like it's all bad talking to old people. A good number of them are very sweet. I got to meet a lot of my volunteer drivers today, and none of them are crusty, despite the fact that they are all seniors too. They were mostly cute little old men, who told me all about their golf games, and their plans for the long weekend. I'm glad that I don't have plans for the long weekend. I am looking so forward to sitting around with nothing to do for three days. I'm such a boring person, but the thought of getting to stay home and relax actually makes me giddy. And thus ends the entry for today. I have nothing to say today, as I'm sure you've figured out if you've read this far. I need a shower.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |