I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-21 - 9:01pm� I had to deal with the most exasperating client today. Everyone had warned me about this man, that he was demanding, arguementative, and manipulative. They were certainly not exaggerating. I'd say I spent about a third of my time today trying to accomodate him. He tried everything he could to get me to bend the rules for him, and took every opportunity to try and take advantage of the fact that I am new to the job. In the end, I was able to find him a ride for the time he wanted, but by that point I was almost hoping I wouldn't be able to accomadate his demands. He annoyed me just that much. Then, around 2:00 this afternoon, after speaking with him at least 5 times already that day, he called me again. When I heard his voice on the phone I rolled my eyes and made a face towards the woman in the cubicle beside me (who had dealt with this man in the past too, and was one of the ones who had warned me about him). He thanked me for all I had done for him that day. He called me a sweetheart (which, according to the other women in the office is not something he says to any of them). He then asked me if I could arrange for another one of our services for him, called "Friendly Visiting." This is a program wherein lonely seniors are matched up with volunteers who visit them once a week or so, and just talk to them and be a friend. This man, who had been a miserable bastard all day, called me and told me that he has no one in his life except for the volunteer who drives him to his appointments two or three times a month. He told me he has no friends, no family, no means to get involved with any community groups. He told me that most days his only company is his dog. He damn near made me cry. I don't know if he told me this as a confidant, or an excuse for the way he behaves, or whether it was another manipulative tactic to get what he wanted from me. After all the other things he said and did today I should really believe the latter. That seems to be the general consensus of the other people in the office. Maybe I'm naive because I'm so new at this, but I think I am taking him at his word about this. Most people who are mean are that way for a reason, and this man has a hell of a reason. This guy's story struck a chord with me. I can't imagine having no one in my life. I feel lonely enough as it is sometimes, and I do have people in my life. I may not be constantly surrounded by friends, but I do have people in life who I can turn to, who care about me. Some are close by, some are not, but they are there for me nonetheless. I don't remember that as often as I should.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |