I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-08-13 - 7:01pm� I had a good weekend. I spent it in Toronto visiting Sarah and her boyfriend (I never know whether or not he'd care if I used his name here... I know he reads this, but as far as I know he doesn't have an online diary of his own). We had a good time-- only problem for me was that I had to come back home today because I have to work tomorrow. Sigh. It's no fun having to be responsible. My brother is still there, lucky boy. I love Toronto. I'm still not sure if I would want to live there though. If I could live anywhere I wanted I would probably choose Hamilton over Toronto just because it is familiar, and I miss it. But Toronto is lots of fun. There are just so many nifty things that are commonplace there that are completely unheard of here in Barrie. Like interesting and talented buskers, for example. We heard a guy playing a Japanese violin (I have no idea what the proper name for it is), and it was very cool. Also of note in the nifty things we saw yesterday was a panhandler holding a sign reading "Need Spare change for Weed." A worthy cause indeed, and we certainly had to admire his honesty. Of course there are also some really horrible things that happen in Toronto too. Like the woman on Thursday who jumped in front of a subway train while clutching her 6 month old son. I have so much trouble wrapping my mind around that. I can understand the desire to end your own life. I'm not saying it's a good idea, but I can understand why some people feel driven to it. But I cannot understand the mentality behind killing your child too. This woman had some serious mental illness that she was very adapt at hiding. That's the only explanation I can think of. And this woman was a prominent physician and psychiatrist, very wealthy, and seemingly perfectly fine and happy. Her mother is well known psychiatrist too. This woman seemed to have everything, including a very strong support system, who really should have picked up on some problem. I think that's almost the most disturbing part of it for me-- that this woman appeared to be fine, yet something inside made her want to end her life and her baby's in such a violent and public way. I certainly didn't intend for this entry to be such a downer... It really didn't start out that way. Tomorrow I start the new temp job. It's a long one, for a temp job-- 2 months. I really hope I don't hate it. That certainly doesn't sound very optimistic. I'm sure it will be okay. At least, I'm reasonably sure. Hey, if nothing else, I like the fact that the office is right downtown and I get an hour off at lunch. Well that's all for now. King of the Hill is about to start, and I must go watch it.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |