I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-04 - 20:44:36� Tomorrow I start my first temp assignment! It lasts 2 weeks and 3 days. This is kind of cool, because that will give me a nice chunk of money and I won't have to worry about "what if I hate this job?" because I won't have to be there for very long. So today I went out for lunch because it was the last day I'll be able to do that for a while. It was all good, except for the fact that I got the scary bus driver on my way to the restaurant. She's this old, big, loud British woman and she is mean and scary. I'm not kidding, this bus driver is a bitch. I get on the bus and give her my transfer and go to sit down. She cackles at me to "Hold it a minute" and makes me stand there while she inspects the transfer to make sure I didn't give her an old one or something. After a good 30 seconds, with a nice line-up forming behind me she finally decides that I am not trying to pull anything over on her, and cackles "Alright, then!" Yeah, you're damn right, it's alright. If she had been paying attention to anything other than the sound of her voice she would have seen me get off of the bus in front of hers and walk right onto her bus, with my brand new transfer in hand. She cackles and bitches constantly to anyone who will listen as she drives, and at such a loud volume even when I turn my discman and headphones up to the highest volume level I can still hear her. My poor Sarah McLachlan cd just wasn't enough to tune this woman out. But then, no music can overpower this woman. And of course, as she is talking she is not paying much attention to the road or to anybody's stops. She missed one old lady's stop altogether. And when the old lady yelled that she wanted to get off, the scary bus driver squawked back, "Well how in the hell am I supposed to know that?" Ummm... because she pulled the cord? Because the bell rang? Because the little "stop requested" sign was lit up? Please! And then after she finally did let the little old lady off the bus she turned to the passenger sitting closest to her and said "What a bitch!" She also yelled at my brother one time when he asked her if the bus that she was driving went past a certain plaza he needed to go to. Her answer? "How the hell should I know if the bus goes by there? It's not my job to know that." Ummmm... yeah, it kind of is your job, honey. And how could she not know where her own damn bus goes? How has this woman not yet been fired? This is not the extent of her evil doing either. She tried to kill one of my friends. Okay, so maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but she did "accidently" slam the doors of the bus on her, catching her in between the two fairly heavy doors. I'm not really a fan of riding the buses in this city as it is. The whole Barrie Transit System is terrible. The schedules are inconvenient and inadequate, there are several areas of the city that aren't even serviced by the buses, the general clientele of the buses are not generally not the most upstanding or well groomed citizens of the city, and the bus drivers are generally unprofessional and care little about the concept of getting anywhere on time. But this one driver ("The Evil British Driver" as she is known in my house) just takes the cake. She takes the experience of riding on the Barrie Transit System from unpleasant to downright miserable. So that's my rant for the day. I'm sure no one but me cares about this one bit, but hey, it's my diary and I can write about whatever the hell I want. :P
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |