I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2000-07-01 - 04:20:05� As of 20 minutes ago, this is officially Canada Day. So Happy Canada Day to everyone! For those of you Americans out there, Canada Day is like your Independence Day. Fireworks, BBQ and beer, and some flag waving. I'm in a much better mood than I was when I wrote my last entry here, so I thought I should write again. So far my diary has turned out to be a somewhat depressing affair, which isn't really what I intended it as. But hey, that's reflective of my life in general, I guess. I'm downloading some patriotic mp3s now. I just got Anne Murray's "Snowbird," and Kim Mitchell's "Patio Lanterns" is downloading as I type. They will go nicely with my Tragically Hip, Sloan, and Great Big Sea selections. I'm putting together a good playlist to accompany my Canada Day plans. So what are my Canada Day plans? Well, seeing as I live in an apartment the BBQ and Fireworks are sort of out... I was considering going downtown to see the city's fireworks display, but they are usually fairly lame. And I could go out to a bar or a concert, but I am kind of poor at the moment. Instead I am staying home with my brother and one of our friends and celebrating Canadian culture, both genuine and stereotypical. In honour of the occasion, I will be breaking out my best flannel shirt, and my Gordie Howe brand jogging pants (which are the most comfortable pants on the planet, btw). Some of the planned activities include: * Feasting upon Back bacon, Canadian beer, Humpty Dumpty Chips, Smarties and Coffee Crisps * Listening to cds of the aforementioned Tragically Hip, Sloan, and Great Big Sea (all fine examples of Canadian party music) * Watching videos of "Strange Brew," and "This Hour has 22 minutes" * Taking the "You May Be Too Canadian If..." quiz * Reminiscing about The Littlest Hobo, The Friendly Giant, and The Log Driver's Waltz. Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee! (yes, it's true, I have no life.)
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |