I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-06-25 - 10:18 p.m.� Not much to say, but at the same time I seem to have much to say. We've started seriously looking at houses/apartments to rent. So far we've had three major leads, but none of them were right for us. One was too small, one wanted us to move in next week (meaning we would lose two months rent on this dump), and the other was in a really annoying, loud, screaming child-filled, trashy neighborhood (which is a shame because the house itself was perfection). I'm discouraged and pessimistic already. I'm way too excited about my long weekend trip. Tomorrow I'm doing my banking and sitting down with Tiff after work and actually planning out what we want to do. We are both planners, but at the same time, we are both wanderers. We like loose intineraries so we can see everything we want but still have time to enjoy it all. But no matter what we end up doing, I'll be happy as long as I get a Heath Bar and go to The Warner Bros store in the Walden Galleria. I've been spending way too much money on my lunch hours lately. Not on lunch itself, but other assorted goods. Today it was Japanese foodstuffs and DVDs. At least I managed to stay out the Biway. Everything in the Biway is 30-60% off, and I can't seem to stop buying stuff. It's mostly stuff I need, or stocking up on stuff I use regularly. But I've bought quite a bit I could have done without. I doubled my bra collection. I bought a buttload of film. I stocked up on strange containers that I might be able to cover with clay. Late last week I ran out of things to buy myself, and I picked up things to give to other people who may or may not want them. I just can't pass up a good bargain-- whether or not I need the item is secondary. I think I'm turning into my grandmother. I do think I have better sense than her though, in that I am pretty sure I haven't bought anyone anything they will hate. I think Sarah and Craig will enjoy the really, really discounted (but still very nifty) video I bought for them. Work is going along more or less okay. It's kind of fun having my brother there. It's even more fun watching his reaction to the workplace (his first office experience). The boy thought I was kidding when I told him I felt like I was in a Dilbert cartoon sometimes. Silly boy. He is working closely with the management, including the pointy-haired boss man. I think he's having trouble adjusting to buzz words that have now become a part of his existence. Pro-active. Quality. So, I guess that's about it for today. More tomorrow, maybe.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |