I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2002-06-21 - 10:44 p.m.� It's about a million zillion degrees in my apartment right now. Friggin' summer. Bah. Give me spring or fall anyday. I'm a sweaty, miserable little troll woman right now. Extreme heat and humidity tend to bring out the crankiest in me. And only another 2-3 months of it to go! Yay! At least it's Friday. Thank goodness for that, at least. 2 glorious days off. And they will be glorious too, because I will not be dealing with a fucked up new computer database or trying to schedule transportation and meal delivery when half of my volunteers are off for the summer. And I won't have to deal with nasty old people, who become even nastier when I tell them I don't have any volunteers available to help them. One old man yesterday slammed the phone down in my ear after yelling "Thanks for Nothing!" at me first. You're welcome! Have a happy day! Bastard. Ugh. And do you know what he was asking for? A ride every day in July and August down to his boat. Yeah, sure, that's bloody important. Who should I bump so that I can take him? The people who need rides to dialysis or perhaps the Alzheimer's patients who need rides to their day programs? Somedays it really gets to me, you know? Priorities. It's all about priorities. What comes first: getting someone to a medical appointment, or making sure they can still go boating everyday? And it isn't just that. It's far bigger than that. Last week a small nursing home in my city was shut down because the owner couldn't afford to pay the hydro bills. The province stepped in and revoked his license, and gave the residents (or in most cases, their power of attorney) 2 days to get out. 2 days. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for you to be told you have to leave your home, and find somewhere to live on two days notice? Now imagine you are sick, need constant care, are perhaps dying, or maybe suffering from dementia. The stories I've heard about how the residents dealt with this news would break your heart. Now I don't know the whole story about the proprietor of the home, and how he let it get to this state, and I agree that revoking his license was probably the wisest course of action. But shouldn't somebody have stepped in here? Shouldn't the province have realized that this man was not managing the home properly, and compromising the care of these vulnerable people, and taken over the home? Couldn't the city have stepped in and paid off the hydro bill so that the residents could have stayed put, at least for the time being? It's the last one that I keep going back to. The city is holding a massive Go-Cart Grand Prix this weekend. I'm sure this is largely a corporate affair, but I would like to see the figures on how much the city is actually paying this weekend vs. how much they are bringing in. I'm sure whoever the hell is running this is paying the city for the use of the waterfront, and to compensate for cleanup of the area afterwards. So what is my point? It's all about priorities. The city will bend over backwards for this go cart shit, but will turn its back on homeless elderly people. They are probably bringing in buttloads of money from this stupid Grand Prix, and still they let these people get evicted without stepping in to help. And it's not just the city. I've mentioned this nursing home fiasco to all sorts of people in Barrie, and no one had heard anything about it. It's had no media coverage. But you can bet your ass papers and the local tv will be all over the go cart event. I'm hot, and I'm cranky, and I'm ranting. And I'm probably not even ranting coherently. I know. But sometimes it all gets to be too much to hold inside, and I have to let it out even if I my brain is too fried to phrase it all clearly.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Sarah Slean |