I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-01-06 - 7:57pm� I'm curious to know why the cat decides to claim all of my stuff as her own. She thinks that my computer chair is hers, and tries to attack anyone who may try to sit on it. You don't necessarily even have to try to sit one it; sometimes simply walking too close to the the chair while she's on it is enough to get you swiped. She graciously lets me use the chair without conflict, but I'm pretty much the only one. She also likes to sleep on my pillow. Or stretched across my teddy bear. When I find her this way, she opens her big green eyes and stares at me, and I feel like we are having a stand off of sorts. "You thought this bear was yours? Well, looky here at me. It's my bear now, damnit." One of the best things I got for Christmas was a little blanket. It's damned cold in this place for most of the winter, so my mom thought I would like this blanket to wrap myself in while I am watching tv, or to drap around my shoulders like a shawl while I'm at my computer. She thought that I might whine less about the cold if I had this blanket. It worked; I don't feel as whiny (or as cold) anymore. The blanket is made from that really soft acryllic material that used to be really popular for sweaters a few years back-- polar fleece, acrtic fleece, something like that. It's soft, and it's warm, and it has little Tweety Birds all over it. There is only one problem with my blanket. Mittens has decided that it is her blanket. She is reluctant even to share it with me. I am constantly finding her all curled up in my Tweety blanket. If I move her off of it, she will sometimes yowl at me, like I'm subjecting her to some awful torture. Other times she will slink off to hide under the bed for a few hours, so that she may sulk in peace, and deprive me of the privilege of basking in her cuteness. Usually though, I try to just steal away part of the blanket from her, without disturbing her. Or I just let her be, and I grab one of the ratty old afaghan instead. The cat wins, because she is just too damned cute to argue with. I wish I had a digital camera so that I could capture just how adorable she looks on my Tweety blanket, but seeing as I don't, an old picture will just have to suffice.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |