I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-01-22 - 9:23 pm� When I start to get to know new people, I sometimes play a little game in my head. I call the game "Would I have liked this person if I'd known them in high school?" It's not just as simple as whether I would have liked them or not. There are a lot of factors to consider. Would I have been friends with this person? Would I have liked to be? Would they have liked me? Would they have even noticed my existence? Would they have been a snob? A jock? A band nerd, like me? The quiet girl trying not to make eye contact with anyone (also like me)? I played this game at break time today. The conversation was insipid and vaguing insulting, as per the usual, so I smiled and nodded and mostly tuned everyone out. I decided that of the people sitting around the table with me, I probably only would have been friends with one of them. Not close friends, not even real friends... we probably would have had a mutual friend, or been in a school activity together, and therefore tolerated each other simply because we were often thrown together. Of the remaining five people around the table, I think that one of them would have been a student council member and jock, and therefore not someone I would have crossed paths with too often, one of them would have been someone I would have liked to get to know, but would have been intimidated by, and I figured the other three for popular girls who would likely have never given me the time of day unless they were forced to work on a project with me or something. I don't know why I play this game, or what I think it is going to prove, but it is kind of interesting. I think in some way it makes me see how much I've changed since high school. I really have gained alot of confidence in myself. I'm often still the quiet girl who tries not to make eye contact with people, but I'm no longer the same girl who gets intimidated by people, or worries too much about what her peers are thinking of her. I'm sometimes surprised by my analysis of the people I use this game on. Like today, it sort of surprised me to think that I would probably not have hated all of these people if I'd known them in high school. I don't think it makes me feel any better about any of them... I still think they are prentious snotbags, but I don't know, I feel like maybe I have a little more insight on them now. Even if it is just my completely speculative insight. The best thing about this game though, is that it keeps me entertained. And sometimes in life, you just have to make your own fun. ********* I felt sad and nostalgic today when I heard that former MuchMusic VJ Dan Gallagher had died over the weekend. I remember him fondly from "Test Pattern." Anyone else remember that show? Of course, I guess that question only applies to Canadians... I don't think anyone outside of Canada got a chance to witness that wonderful bit of CanCon. I used to watch that show faithfully. It was hilarious, with its Hairy Back Brothers, and its fabulous 2 slice toasters, and its challenges to "Kiss Aunt Elia's Mole." Damn. I miss that show. I think I'll start petitioning Muchmusic to rerun that show. Who's with me? ******** I had quite a few new readers over the weekend, thanks to a mention on Katfish's diary. So thank you for that, Kat. :) And to any of you people who decided to check me out, i'd love for you to stick around. I don't have rants like the one that brought you here every day, but every now and again I do have something interesting to say... at least I like to think I do...
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |