I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-07-05 - 10:10 p.m.� Today was a long, long day. I don't know what is going on in the accounting department of my office, but things do not appear to be too pretty up there. I guess they aren't making deadlines or something along that line, and today they tried to lay some of the blame for that on my department. It was totally unfounded. I had to get a little bitchy. I didn't really want to, but excuse me, I'm not going to put up with being accused of something that is completely untrue. It all got straightened around fairly quickly. After I (and the rest of my department) argued, the accounting department let the matter drop, and even apologized for "making a mistake" in the accusation. Still though, when your day starts out with someone telling you that you haven't done your job right, when you know for a fact that you have done your job right, it sort of sets the tone for a crappy day. So, um, yeah. That was my day in a nutshell. I could go into more details, but I had better not in case someone from work stumbles upon this. I have that worry sometimes, that I'm going to be "found out." I do get some local hits sometimes. I recognize the domain names on my hit counters. And I've had hits from google that have come from searches for local places and events. So I know it's very possible for me to identified here. Sometimes I wonder if I should have an anonymous diary, just for all the potentially incriminating things I have to say. I don't really think I want to split things up though. I just have to learn to watch myself. ******** I was hoping to have my vacation scrapbook thing up today, but I find myself too lazy to do it now. I guess it will have to wait until early next week. Monday, hopefully. Sorry 'bout that. I'm sure everyone is waiting with bated breath (yeah, right). This will be the last entry until Sunday at the earliest, because I'm going away for the weekend again. Just to T.O. to see Sarah. We're going to take in some of the Celebrate Toronto festival. Tanglefoot is playing on Saturday morning, and they are always fun. I think maybe we'll also get drunk. At least, I think maybe I will-- I shouldn't speak for Sarah-- I think after this week, I would really enjoy being intoxicated.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |