I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque

Today's Rambling

Old Rambling


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2003-01-01 - 4:53 p.m.�
And you said you didn't give a fuck about hockey, and I've never heard someone say that before.

I really can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. It doesn't feel like I've had 3 days off, much less 8 and a half.

I have so much to write about, seeing as how it's been 4 days since I've made an entry. Right now though, I'm feeling the teensiest bit woozy, so I don't know how far I'll get. Even though I've been up since quarter to 11, and was not feeling hungover at all, I was feeling tired and lazy enough to not move much beyond the couch and the kitchen until about half an hour ago. Is there such thing as a delayed hangover? Because I think I might be suffering from that.

But even though I'm not at my brightest and most bushy-tailed, I will share a brief rundown on the past couple of days. My weekend was pretty uneventful. It was spent mostly watching the DVDs my family and I got for Christmas. The Back to the Future trilogy, Hard Day's Night, Beauty and the Beast, Goldmember, Get Shorty... These films taught me many important things, such as:

* Even if you know time travel is exceedingly dangerous, if you have the technology, you're going to do it anyway. (Back to the Future III)

*Elijah Wood has not changed his appearance at all in 13 years. He's just gotten proportionatly bigger. (Back to the Future II)

* You shouldn't judge people/things by their appearances. (Beauty and the Beast)

*Love can change even the most beastly, mean, foul tempered man into a prince. (Beauty and the Beast).

*My brother believes that I would make a good shylock. Better than John Travolta, at least. (Get Shorty)


Anyway, moving on, on Monday I got to go see The Tragically Hip in Hamilton. It was a great show, although it felt... short. It wasn't actually short, I was just spoiled from 2 years ago when they were doing that "An Evening with The Tragically Hip" tour, and they played for something like 2 and a half hours. So even though 80 minutes is fairly standard, it didn't feel like enough. Another thing that probably contributed to the feeling that they show ended before it should was that they didn't play some songs that I was really expecting. Like "Courage" and "Ahead by a Century." Granted, neither of those are my favorite Hip songs but I was expecting them to be played as I've never been to a Hip show where they weren't played. And there was only one encore, which was also a little weird.

I know I'm complaining, but I honestly don't mean to. I had a great time. It was a solid show, and they played a couple of concert rareties, which more than made up for the missing songs.

One of the highlights of the evening for me, was that a drunken guy in a Team Canada jersey and a toque with earflaps who was sitting in the row in front of me, managed to start the wave. And not only did he start it, he got the whole stadium from the floor seats to the second balcony doing it. After it petered out, he tried to lead us all in the singing of our country's national anthem. He may have succeeded, but the house lights went out before he got to "True North strong and free."

Hip fans are such a pleasantly inebriated bunch.

When I got home I called one of my friends, and we spent the evening drinking and watching movies to ring in the new year. Much fun, much alcohol.

I do plan on making some New Year's Resolutions, even though I am not really a big fan of them. I have to think about it a little more, when my brain stops spinning.

I need to have a shower now. My hair is gross.

I also need to go down and pay the rent.

Happy New Year, all.

yesterday tomorrow

Recent Nonsense:

The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03

Hello again - 2006-05-03

Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15

Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23

Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26

Currently listening to: My cat trying to cough something up.




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