I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2002-05-09 - 11:16 p.m.� I should be in bed right now, but I need a few minutes to collect myself, so I figured I may as well jot down an entry, lame as I'm sure it will be. ER ended 20 minutes ago and I'm still sniffling over it. Damn tv show made me cry... again. I hate crying over movies or tv shows. It makes me feel stereotypically girly and sentimental. But ER is one of the few shows that has the power to make me cry, and when they make Dr. Greene die, damnnit, you know I'm going to cry. Not just a little cry either. Big sloppy sobbing. I've grown very attached to other characters on the show in recent years, but Dr. Greene was always the heart of the show for me. He was favorite character from the beginning. When everyone was drooling over Clooney, Dr. Green was my man. The show just isn't going to be the same, now that Dr. Greene is...dead! WAH! Alright, I'm ok. I am so, so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Today was a crazy day at work. The phones would not stop ringing. I only had a few nuts, and only one semi-crisis, but it was still a crazy day. All I did was answer the phone, make follow up calls, and check my messages. Everybody else seemed to be having the same kind of day too, which is strange, because usually only one person at a time at the office has a day of nothing but phone calls. And then the rest of us laugh at that person, but today no one was laughing because we were all dealing with it. I don't even think it's a full moon tonight. Usually when the phone calls are especially crazy, the receptionist announces "No wonder things are crazy today-- it's the full moon tonight." Of course, the clients and the phones are crazy more than just once a lunar cycle, so we also hear "No wonder things are crazy today-- it's a new moon tonight. That's as bad as a full moon." And then if things are crazy at other times in the month (which they often are) she tells us "they're all practicing for the full moon." Have I mentioned that the receptionist is a little nutty herself? I suppose at this point in the entry that would be a pretty obvious fact.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: Natalie Merchant, Motherland |