I Should�ve Taken That Left Turn at Albuquerque |
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2001-08-19 - 9:42 p.m.� My living room VCR died last night. It has been on its way out for quite some time, showing its age and sickness with increasingly bad picture quality. Last night it decided that it had enough once and for all, and really, I can't begrudge it for dying. It held on for much longer than anyone could have expected. It was sad, but it wasn't the end of the world. My brother and I disconnected it and put the VCR from my room in its place. We got it all hooked up, despite the fact that it was 1:30 in the morning and we were both somewhat drunk. The only really horrible thing about its death was that it took an innocent victim along with it-- My tape #3 of "The Tick" cartoons-- that was in the VCR at the time of its demise. What is all the more upsetting about this is that this tape was not a pre-recorded video that I can walk into a store and buy another copy of. This was 4 hours of taped from tv cartoon goodness. Sigh. I am still trying to get over the loss. I care far too much about tv and cartoons, don't I? Oh well-- admitting the problem is the first step... I spent most of the day not in front of the tv, but at the movies instead. The theatre downtown has $3.00 matinees, so I treated my friend Tiff to lunch and two shows as a birthday present. We saw The Others and Shrek. We enjoyed them both. The Others was geniunely creepy. It's really nice when a movie can be really scary without one drop of fake blood. There were a couple of scenes that honestly had me on the edge of my seat. And there was one moment in particular where pretty much everyone in the audience jumped and then giggled with nervous energy. They also did a pretty good job with making the ending a surprise. I had pieced together some of it, but when the end came it was a surprise and then everything fell into place. The acting was really good too. I would definitely recommend the movie. I enjoyed Shrek, too. The audience left a little to be desired, but I really could not have expected anything different at a weekend matinee of a family movie. Really, we were naive to hope that the young children and their parents wouldn't annoy the crap out of us. Movie itself was pretty good though. I like it when cartoons do interesting, non-traditional things with fairy tales. Not that Shrek is the first cartoon to turn fairy tale roles on their ears, but the movie did do a nice job. Fairy Tales are interesting beasts, really. It's easy to read them at face value and not take anything more from them, but there is a lot more beneath the surface to look at. I took a seminar class on fairy tales in my last year of university, and it was one of my favorite classes, period. I sort of wish that I was still in that class so that I could discuss the movie there. Or write an essay on it. Heh. I suppose I could still write an essay on it, but my essay writin' skills are way out of practice. Well, that's all there is to tell in my life today. Sad, but true.
The big 3 0 - 2006-06-03 Hello again - 2006-05-03 Random stuff in place of an actual update - 2006-03-15 Pictures. Just Because. - 2006-02-23 Christmas 05 - 2005-12-26 Currently listening to: |